
ˈfrʌntlɪt сущ.
1) повязка, украшение или амулет, которые носят на лбу
2) лоб (только применительно к животным) Syn : forehead
3) фасад (здания) ;
тж. перен. Syn : facade, front
4) расшитая кромка напрестольной пелены налобная повязка лоб животного frontlet повязка на лбу ~ пятно на лбу животного

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "frontlet" в других словарях:

  • Frontlet — Front let, n. [OF. frontelet brow band, dim. of frontel, frontal. See {Frontal}, n.] 1. A frontal or brow band; a fillet or band worn on the forehead. [1913 Webster] They shall be as frontlets between thine eyes. Deut. vi. 8. [1913 Webster] 2. A… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • frontlet — from O.Fr. frontelet, dim. of frontel (Mod.Fr. fronteau) forehead, front of a helmet, hairband, from L.L. frontale an ornament for the forehead, from frons (see FRONT (Cf. front) (n.)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • frontlet — [frunt′lit] n. [OFr frontelet, dim. of frontel, FRONTAL2] 1. a frontal or a phylactery worn on the forehead 2. the forehead of an animal 3. the forehead of a bird, when distinguishable by the color or texture of the plumage 4. an ornamental… …   English World dictionary

  • frontlet — /frunt lit/, n. 1. Also, frontal. a decorative band, ribbon, or the like, worn across the forehead: The princess wore a richly bejeweled frontlet. 2. the forehead of an animal. 3. Ornith. the forehead when marked by a different color or texture… …   Universalium

  • frontlet — front•let [[t]ˈfrʌnt lɪt[/t]] n. 1) clo a decorative band, ribbon, or the like, worn across the forehead 2) the forehead of a horse, deer, or similar mammal 3) orn the forehead of a bird when marked by a distinctive color or texture of the… …   From formal English to slang

  • frontlet — noun Etymology: Middle English frontlette, from Middle French frontelet, diminutive of frontel, from Latin frontale, from front , frons Date: 15th century 1. a band or phylactery worn on the forehead 2. the forehead especially of an animal …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • frontlet — noun /ˈfɹʌntlət/ a) The forehead of an animal, especially of a deer or stag (including the antlers) b) An ornament worn on the forehead, sometimes as a phylactery …   Wiktionary

  • Frontlet — A band worn by women across the forehead and secured beneath the chin. It often formed the basis of headwear. During the 15c black became an increasingly fashionable colour, perhaps by way of contrast when framing a white forehead and face. Cf.… …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • frontlet — Used in AV for an ornament or jewel (‘emblem’, NRSV; ‘pendant’, REB; ‘headband’, NJB) worn on the head, probably between the eyes (Exod. 13:16; Deut. 6:8) and by implication forbidden in 1 Tim. 2:9 …   Dictionary of the Bible

  • frontlet — front·let || frÊŒntlɪt n. forehead of an animal; decorative band or ribbon worn on the forehead; phylactery worn on the forehead (Judaism) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • frontlet — noun 1》 an ornamental piece of cloth hanging over the upper part of an altar frontal. 2》 another term for phylactery. 3》 a piece of armour or harness for an animal s forehead …   English new terms dictionary

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