front-release contact
Смотреть что такое "front-release contact" в других словарях:
Front foot contact — In the sport of cricket, front foot contact is the position of the bowler at the moment when the front foot hits the ground just prior to delivering the ball. For a right handed bowler the front foot is normally the left also*Grip… … Wikipedia
Contact lens — Contacts redirects here. For the software application, see Address book. A pair of contact lenses, positioned with the concave side facing upward … Wikipedia
Back foot contact — In the sport of cricket, back foot contact is position of the bowler at the instant when the back foot lands on the ground just prior to delivering the ball. For a right handed bowler, the back foot is normally the right foot.An alternative name… … Wikipedia
Point of release — In the sport of cricket, point of release is the position of the bowler at the moment when the ball is also*Grip *Approach *Bound *Back foot contact *Front foot contact *Follow through *Cricket terminology … Wikipedia
Music of the Front Mission series — Front Mission is a series of tactical role playing games produced by Square Enix (originally Square). The music of the series includes the soundtracks to the main series, composed of Front Mission through Front Mission 5: Scars of the War, as… … Wikipedia
United States federal probation and supervised release — The life cycle of federal supervision for a defendant. United States federal probation and supervised release are imposed at sentencing. The difference between probation and supervised release is that the former is imposed as a substitute for… … Wikipedia
Nasal release — ◌ⁿ IPA number 425 Encoding Entity (decimal) #8319; … Wikipedia
Pirated movie release types — With regard to warez groups or organized piracy groups, a movie is usually released in several formats and different versions because the primary sources used by a group for a particular movie may vary. Pirated movies are primarily released by… … Wikipedia
Earth Liberation Front — The Earth Liberation Front (ELF), also known as Elves or The Elves ,Best, Steven and Best Nocella. Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth , Lantern Books, 2006, p.50.] is the collective name for anonymous and individuals or cells… … Wikipedia
Video news release — A video news release (VNR) is a video segment created by a PR firm, advertising agency, marketing firm, corporation, or government agency and provided totelevision news stations for the purpose of informing, shaping public opinion, or to promote… … Wikipedia
извлекаемый контакт с передним освобождением защелки — EN front release contact removable contact in which release is effected from the mating face [IEV number 581 27 01] FR contact déverrouillable par l’avant contact amovible libéré à partir de la face… … Справочник технического переводчика