front-rank — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective Etymology: front rank : being in the front rank : ranking among the best : of the first quality or importance : first rate emerges as a figure of front rank importance in the American social sciences Eric Goldman a front rank … Useful english dictionary
front rank — /frʌnt ˈræŋk/ (say frunt rangk) noun 1. the highest rank or grade. –adjective Also, front ranking. 2. of high quality; pre eminent; best. –phrase 3. in the front rank, at the highest level or grade: test cricketers in the front rank. –front… …
front-rank — /frunt rangk /, adj. among the best or most important; foremost; topnotch. [1590 1600] * * * … Universalium
Front — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Front >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 front front Sgm: N 1 fore fore forepart Sgm: N 1 foreground foreground Sgm: N 1 face face disk disc frontage Sgm: N 1 facade … English dictionary for students
rank — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 level of importance ADJECTIVE ▪ high, senior, superior, top, upper ▪ middle ▪ inferior, junior … Collocations dictionary
front — Synonyms and related words: CAT, Charlie McCarthy, DMZ, accented, aceldama, act for, acting, advance, advance guard, aerospace, aerosphere, affectation, affectedness, affront, agent, ahead, air, air hole, air mass, air pocket, airhead, airs, airs … Moby Thesaurus
front — I. n. 1. Forehead, brow. 2. Effrontery, face, impudence, assurance, brass. 3. Van, fore rank, front rank, head. 4. Forepart, forward part. 5. Anterior, face. 6. Face, obverse. 7. Face, facade, front elevation … New dictionary of synonyms
front for — cover (see substitution). II Foremost part Nouns 1. front, forefront, fore, forepart; foreground; face, disk, frontage, facade, proscenium, frontispiece; downstage; obverse; beginning. See precedence. 2. (what s in front) front rank, front lines; … English dictionary for students
front line — Synonyms and related words: DMZ, aceldama, advance guard, airhead, avant garde, battle line, battle site, battlefield, battleground, beachhead, bridgehead, combat area, combat zone, enemy line, farthest outpost, field, field of battle, field of… … Moby Thesaurus
front runner — Synonyms and related words: advance guard, airhead, ancestor, announcer, antecedent, avant garde, battle line, beachhead, bellwether, bridgehead, buccinator, bushwhacker, explorer, farthest outpost, first line, forebear, forefront, foregoer,… … Moby Thesaurus
Front Magazine — FRONT Illustrated Paper was published by the Military Publishing and Press Center ( Vojnoizdavaćki i Novinski Centar ) of the Yugoslav Peoples Army.The paper was first published on 25 February, 1945. Serving as a reporting tool for the Sremski… … Wikipedia