Смотреть что такое "frisket" в других словарях:
Frisket — Fris ket, n. [F. frisguette. Perhaps so named from the velocity or frequency of its motion. See {Frisk} a.] (Print.) The light frame which holds the sheet of paper to the tympan in printing. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Frisket — A frisket is any material that protects areas of a work from unintended change. Letterpress On a sheet fed letterpress printing machine, a frisket is a sheet of oiled paper that covers the space between the type or cuts (illustrations) and the… … Wikipedia
Frisket — Frisquette (arts graphiques) Atelier d imprimerie de Jobst Amman. Le volet de gauche est la frisquette. La frisquette est un cache destiné à protéger une feuille de papier des maculages d encre ou de couleurs. L étymologie du mot est inconnue. On … Wikipédia en Français
frisket — noun Etymology: French frisquette, from Middle French Date: circa 1898 a masking device or material used especially in printing or graphic arts … New Collegiate Dictionary
frisket — /fris kit/, n. 1. a mask of thin paper laid over an illustration to shield certain areas when using an airbrush. 2. Print. a mask of strong paper set in a rectangular frame attached to the tympan of certain presses and cut up so as to prevent… … Universalium
frisket — noun A thin frame in a printing press that holds the sheet of paper in position and acts as a mask … Wiktionary
Frisket — Бумажная трафаретная рамка; Рашкет; Металлическая рамка (ручного печатного станка, служащая для зажима листа); Планка для зажима передней кромки декеля; Лист с наложенной на него бумажной трафаретной рамкой … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
frisket — A masking device or material used especially in airbrushing, in photography, in the graphic arts, and in printing. It often refers to a paper or film used to shield areas of an airbrush painting from spray, or printing paper from ink, or… … Glossary of Art Terms
frisket — [ frɪskɪt] noun N. Amer. (in painting or crafts) an adhesive substance or stencil used to cover areas of a surface on which paint is not wanted. Origin C17: from Fr. frisquette, from Provençal frisqueto, from Sp. frasqueta … English new terms dictionary
frisket — fris·ket … English syllables
frisket — /ˈfrɪskət/ (say friskuht) noun an iron frame to hold in place a sheet of paper to be printed. {French frisquette, feminine of frisquet vivacious} …