fright away

fright away
спугнуть Syn : frighten away

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fright away" в других словарях:

  • fright — [fraıt] n [: Old English; Origin: fyrhto] 1.) [singular, U] a sudden feeling of fear ▪ You gave me such a fright creeping up on me like that! get/have a fright ▪ I got an awful fright when I realised how much money I owed. with fright ▪ He was… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • fright — [ fraıt ] noun 1. ) count an experience that makes you feel suddenly afraid: SCARE: I got such a fright when Joe burst through the door. Sorry, I didn t mean to give you a fright. a ) uncount a sudden strong feeling of being afraid: FEAR: I… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • fright´en|er — fright|en «FRY tuhn», transitive verb. 1. to fill with fright; make afraid; scare or terrify: »Thunder and lightning frighten most children and many adults. 2. to drive or force by terrifying: »The sudden noise frightened the deer away. –v.i. to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fright´en|a|ble — fright|en «FRY tuhn», transitive verb. 1. to fill with fright; make afraid; scare or terrify: »Thunder and lightning frighten most children and many adults. 2. to drive or force by terrifying: »The sudden noise frightened the deer away. –v.i. to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fright|en — «FRY tuhn», transitive verb. 1. to fill with fright; make afraid; scare or terrify: »Thunder and lightning frighten most children and many adults. 2. to drive or force by terrifying: »The sudden noise frightened the deer away. –v.i. to become… …   Useful english dictionary

  • fright — noun 1 (singular) the feeling you have when something frightens you : give sb a fright (=do something that makes someone feel afraid): You gave me such a fright creeping up on me like that! | get/have a fright: I got an awful fright when your dog …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • fright — [[t]fra͟ɪt[/t]] frights 1) N UNCOUNT Fright is a sudden feeling of fear, especially the fear that you feel when something unpleasant surprises you. The steam pipes rattled suddenly, and Franklin uttered a shriek and jumped with fright... The… …   English dictionary

  • Fright Night — У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Fright Night (значения). Fright Night …   Википедия

  • fright — 01. The children gasped in [fright] when the monster appeared on stage. 02. We got quite a [fright] when someone banged on our door in the middle of the night. 03. The mouse squeaked with [fright] when it saw the cat. 04. The child got… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • Stage Fright (1987 film) — Stage Fright American DVD Release Poster Directed by Michele Soavi Produced by …   Wikipedia

  • Men in Fright — Directed by George Sidney Produced by Jack Chertok Written by Carl Dudley Marty Schwartz Hal Law Robert A. McGowan …   Wikipedia

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