friendly greeting

friendly greeting
дружеское приветствие

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "friendly greeting" в других словарях:

  • friendly — friendliness, n. /frend lee/, adj., friendlier, friendliest, adv., n., pl. friendlies. adj. 1. characteristic of or befitting a friend; showing friendship: a friendly greeting. 2. like a friend; kind; helpful: a little friendly advice. 3.… …   Universalium

  • friendly — friend•ly [[t]ˈfrɛnd li[/t]] adj. li•er, li•est, 1) characteristic of or befitting a friend: a friendly greeting[/ex] 2) like a friend; kind; helpful 3) favorably disposed; inclined to approve, help, or support 4) not hostile or at variance;… …   From formal English to slang

  • friendly — /ˈfrɛndli / (say frendlee) adjective (friendlier, friendliest) 1. characteristic of or befitting a friend; showing friendship: a friendly greeting. 2. like a friend; kind. 3. favourably disposed; inclined to approve, help, or support. 4. not… …  

  • greeting — n. 1) to exchange; extend, send greetings 2) to extend a greeting 3) a cordial, friendly, sincere, warm greeting 4) cordial, friendly, sincere, warm, warmest greetings 5) an official greeting; official greetings 6) holiday, season s greetings… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • greeting — [[t]gri͟ːtɪŋ[/t]] greetings 1) N VAR A greeting is something friendly that you say or do when you meet someone. His greeting was familiar and friendly... They exchanged greetings... He raised a hand in greeting. 2) CONVENTION Greetings is an old… …   English dictionary

  • greeting — noun 1 first words you say when you meet sb ADJECTIVE ▪ formal, friendly, polite ▪ traditional ▪ The traditional Muslim greeting is ‘Salaam’. VERB + GREETING …   Collocations dictionary

  • greeting */ — UK [ˈɡriːtɪŋ] / US [ˈɡrɪtɪŋ] noun Word forms greeting : singular greeting plural greetings 1) [countable/uncountable] something polite or friendly that you say or do when you meet someone They exchanged greetings and sat down. He came to meet her …   English dictionary

  • friendly — adj. 1 behaving in a kind/pleasant way VERBS ▪ appear, be, look, seem, sound ▪ become ADVERB ▪ extremely …   Collocations dictionary

  • greeting — greetingless, adj. /gree ting/, n. 1. the act or words of a person who greets. 2. a friendly message from someone who is absent: a greeting from a friend in another country. 3. greetings, an expression of friendly or respectful regard: Send my… …   Universalium

  • greeting — greet|ing [ gritıŋ ] noun * 1. ) count or uncount something polite or friendly that you say or do when you meet someone: They exchanged greetings and sat down. He came to meet her, his hands extended in greeting. 2. ) count usually plural a… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • greeting — /ˈgritɪŋ / (say greeting) noun 1. the act or words of someone who greets. 2. (usually plural) a friendly message: send greetings …  

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