
без трения

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "friction-free" в других словарях:

  • friction-free capitalism — n. An extremely efficient market in which buyers and sellers can find each other easily, can interact directly, and can perform transactions with only minimal overhead costs. Example Citations: We have waited a long time for broad based… …   New words

  • friction-free capitalism — A term coined by the US founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates (1955 ), to refer to the enhanced efficiency of markets resulting from the widespread use of the Internet; this is held to have abolished such traditional market imperfections as physical… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Friction welding — (FW) is a class of solid state welding processes that generates heat through mechanical friction between a moving workpiece and a stationary component, with the addition of a lateral force called upset to plastically displace and fuse the… …   Wikipedia

  • Free-fall — is motion with no acceleration other than that provided by gravity. Since this definition does not specify velocity, it also applies to objects initially moving upward. Although the definition specifically excludes all other forces such as… …   Wikipedia

  • free-fall — /free fawl /, v., free fell, free fallen, free falling, adj., n. v.i. 1. (of parachutists) to descend initially, as for a designated interval, in a free fall: The jumpers were required to free fall for eight seconds. adj. 2. denoting or… …   Universalium

  • Friction — For other uses, see Friction (disambiguation). Classical mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • Free body diagram — A free body diagram is a pictorial representation often used by physicists and engineers to analyze the forces acting on a free body. It shows all contact and non contact forces acting on the body. Drawing such a diagram can aid in solving for… …   Wikipedia

  • friction match — Lucifer Lu ci*fer, n. [L., bringing light, n., the morning star, fr. lux, lucis, light + ferre to bring.] [1913 Webster] 1. The planet Venus, when appearing as the morning star; applied in Isaiah by a metaphor to a king of Babylon. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • free air — noun : air not under restraint (as by pressure or flow) : normal atmospheric air; specifically : all of the atmosphere usually above 100 feet from the earth that is not greatly bound or restricted in its movements by surface friction of the earth …   Useful english dictionary

  • Dref Friction Spinning — Friction Spinning or Dref Spinning is a textile technology that allows very heavy count yarns and technical core wrapped yarns to be manufactured. These are most commonly used in mop yarns, flame retardants and high tech fancy yarns such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Darcy friction factor formulae — In fluid dynamics, the Darcy friction factor formulae are equations based on experimental data and theory for the Darcy friction factor. The Darcy friction factor is a dimensionless quantity used in the Darcy–Weisbach equation, for the… …   Wikipedia

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