Смотреть что такое "freshe" в других словарях:
freshy — ˈfreshē, shi noun ( es) Etymology: freshman + y slang : a freshman in a college, university, or secondary school … Useful english dictionary
Mead — Mead, n. [AS. m[=ae]d. See {Meadow}.] A meadow. [1913 Webster] A mede All full of freshe flowers, white and reede. Chaucer. [1913 Webster] To fertile vales and dewy meads My weary, wandering steps he leads. Addison. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Metrical psalter — For earlier rhymed translations of Psalms, see rhymed psalter. A metrical psalter is a kind of Bible translation: a book containing a metrical translation of all or part of the Book of Psalms in vernacular poetry, meant to be sung as hymns in a… … Wikipedia
Juice (Film) — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Juice City War Originaltitel Juice Produktions … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nordfriesische Literatur — Die Nordfriesische Literatur als Literatur in Nordfriesischer Sprache hat in Bezug auf die Ausgangssituation der Sprache und die Zahl der Sprecher eine bemerkenswerte Anzahl und Bandbreite an Werken hervorgebracht. Das Nordfriesische weist zehn… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Glastonbury Abbey — • Benedictine monastery, Somersetshire, England, pre eminently the centre of early Christian tradition in England Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Glastonbury Abbey Glastonbury Abbey … Catholic encyclopedia
Kildare Poems — MS Harley 913, fol.3r. Beginning of The Land of Cockaygne The Kildare Poems are a group of sixteen poems written in an Irish dialect of Middle English and dated to the mid 14th century. Together with a second, shorter set of poems in the so… … Wikipedia
MARITIMAE — Gallis les Marennes, in Pictonibus dicuntur agri ad Occani littora, in quibus exstant salinae. Sic Maremma Itali, Maresme Catalani dicunt, unde Banyuls de Maresme, locus in Comitatu Ruscinonensi, haud procul a Caucoliberi, apud Andr. boschum lib … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
PALAEOLOGA Familia — in Imeprio Constantinopolitano illustris, e qua varii Imperatores hodieque in tristibus quibusdam posterorum reliquiis, sub Imperio Turcico gementibus, superest, uti testatur Sponius Itinerar. Grac. Pauci autem ex ea, imo vix ulla numismata obvia … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
frais — adj. FRÉ, SHE (Albanais.001, Annecy.003, Arvillard, Chambéry.025, Cordon, Thônes.004, Viviers Lac, Villards Thônes) / ste (Albertville.021) / tse (Montagny Bozel), E || frès, frêyshi, ê (St Martin Porte) || frè, frishe, e (Gets, Saxel) || m., fré … Dictionnaire Français-Savoyard
zut — intj., tu m ennuies, laisse moi tranquille, tu me casses les pieds ; tant pis : RÂVA <rave> nf. (Albanais.001, Arvillard) ; blouye nf. (Saxel.002) ; reneulye nf. (Albertville) ; hwat (001), E. Dépit ; zuto (Villards Thônes). A1) N en crois… … Dictionnaire Français-Savoyard