frequency-modulated transmitter

frequency-modulated transmitter
передатчик ЧМ-сигналов, ЧМ-передатчик

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "frequency-modulated transmitter" в других словарях:

  • frequency-modulated transmitter — moduliuotojo dažnio siųstuvas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. frequency modulated transmitter vok. frequenzmodulierter Sender, m rus. передатчик с частотной модуляцией, m pranc. émetteur à modulation de fréquence, m …   Automatikos terminų žodynas

  • Transmitter — For biologic transmitters, see transmitter substance. Commercial FM broadcasting transmitter at radio station WDET FM, Wayne State University, Detroit, USA. It broadcasts at 101.9 MHz with a radiated power of 48 kW. In electronics and… …   Wikipedia

  • frequency-modulation radar — A radar in which range is measured by interference beat frequencies between the transmitter and received frequency modulated waves …   Aviation dictionary

  • Carrier frequency — is a term used to designate: * The nominal frequency of a carrier wave * The center frequency of a frequency modulation signal * The frequency of the unmodulated electrical wave at the output of an amplitude modulated (AM), frequency modulated… …   Wikipedia

  • High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program — HAARP is often confused with Project HARP, the High Altitude Research Project (a joint project of The Pentagon and the Canadian Department of National Defence).The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an investigation project …   Wikipedia

  • FM transmitter — may refer to: * A transmitter sending out a frequency modulated signal * An FM transmitter, a very short range device performing the same functionAn FM transmitter is also a device that lets you listen music from a music device through the… …   Wikipedia

  • Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing — Passband modulation v · d · e Analog modulation AM · …   Wikipedia

  • Radio transmitter design — In plate modulation systems the voltage delivered to the stage is changed. As the power output available is a function of the supply voltage, the output power is modulated. This can be done using a transformer to alter the anode (plate) voltage.… …   Wikipedia

  • Radio-frequency identification — (RFID) is a technology that uses radio waves to transfer data from an electronic tag, called RFID tag or label, attached to an object, through a reader for the purpose of identifying and tracking the object. Some RFID tags can be read from… …   Wikipedia

  • Tunnel transmitter — A tunnel transmitter allows wireless reception in tunnels. It consists of a receiving antenna which receives the signal to be radiated in the tunnel, and a transmitting antenna installed in the tunnel, which is either a Yagi antenna or a line… …   Wikipedia

  • Automatic Transmitter Identification System — The Automatic Transmitter Identification System (ATIS) is a protocol used for the station identification of television channels carried on satellite TV. ATIS is only required for analog TV transmission, and only via satellites or earth stations… …   Wikipedia

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