frequency doubler
Смотреть что такое "frequency doubler" в других словарях:
doubler — dou·bler (dŭbʹlər) n. A device that doubles the frequency or voltage of an input signal. * * * … Universalium
doubler — noun an electronic device that doubles the voltage or the frequency of an input signal • Hypernyms: ↑electronic device … Useful english dictionary
Voltage doubler — A voltage doubler is an electronic circuit which charges capacitors from the input voltage and switches these charges in such a way that, in the ideal case, exactly twice the voltage is produced at the output as at its input. The simplest of… … Wikipedia
List of vacuum tubes — This is a list of vacuum tubes or thermionic valves. Before the advent of semiconductor devices, hundreds of tube types were used in consumer and industrial electronics; today only a few types are still used in specialized applications. Contents… … Wikipedia
Laser pointer — A laser pointer is a portable, pen sized laser designed to be held in the hand, and most commonly used to project a point of light to highlight items of interest during a presentation. Most laser pointers have low enough power that the projected… … Wikipedia
parts — Synonyms and related words: AF amplifier, AFC, AFC mixer, CRT, CW oscillator, FM detector, PCV valve, RF amplifier, TR switch, TR unit, ability, accelerator, adder, adjustable propeller, afterburner, aileron, air controls, air scoop, airscrew,… … Moby Thesaurus
radio transmitter — Synonyms and related words: AM transmitter, FM transmitter, RT transmitter, amateur transmitter, beacon, coaxial cable, fan marker, frequency converter, frequency doubler, frequency meter, microphone, mixer, modulator, monitor, oscillator, power… … Moby Thesaurus
Dahon — Industry Bicycle Founded 1982[1] Headquarters Los Angeles, California … Wikipedia
Octavia (effects pedal) — The Octavia was an effects pedal designed for Jimi Hendrix by his sound technician, Jim Morris of Kelsey Morris Sound Co., London, in early 1967.[1] It reproduces the input signal from a guitar one octave higher and/or lower in pitch, and mixes… … Wikipedia
умножитель частоты лазерного излучения — умножитель частоты Дискретный преобразователь частоты лазерного излучения, обеспечивающий получение частот, кратных основной частоте лазерного излучения. [ГОСТ 15093 90] Тематики лазерное оборудование Синонимы умножитель частоты EN frequency… … Справочник технического переводчика
FD — abbr. Flexible Disk forced draught frequency doubler … Dictionary of English abbreviation