- french
1) французский
2) the french - французы
3) французский язык
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
French — bezeichnet: englisch für Französisch French, medizinische Maßeinheit im englischen Sprachraum, siehe Charrière (Einheit) Kurzform für French Manicure, eine Art des Nageldesigns Nicci French, das Pseudonym des Krimi Autoren Ehepaares Nicci Gerrard … Deutsch Wikipedia
French — may refer to:*French people, inhabitants of France *French language, the language spoken widely in France and in former French colonies *People named French *The French, a bandFictional characters: *Joseph French, a Detective Inspector appearing… … Wikipedia
French — (fr[e^]nch), prop. a. [AS. frencisc, LL. franciscus, from L. Francus a Frank: cf. OF. franceis, franchois, fran[,c]ois, F. fran[,c]ais. See {Frank}, a., and cf. {Frankish}.] Of or pertaining to France or its inhabitants. [1913 Webster] {French… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
French's — is an American manufacturer of prepared mustard condiment. Created by Robert Timothy French, French s mustard debuted to the world at the 1904 St. Louis World s Fair. By 1921, French s Mustard had adopted its trademark pennant and begun… … Wikipedia
French — es la palabra francés en inglés y puede hacer referencia a: Personas Domingo French, militar argentino, luchador en el Surgimiento del Estado Argentino; John French, líder militar británico; Jared French, pintor estadounidense; Jay Jay French,… … Wikipedia Español
french — french; french·er; french·i·fi·ca·tion; french·ify; french·i·ly; french·i·ness; french·ism; french·ize; french·man; French; french·ly; french·ness; … English syllables
French — bull (small breed of dog); French chalk (tailor’s talc); French curve (drafting instrument); French heel (high curved heel); French polish (alcohol + shellac); French pox (syphilis); French roll (women’s coiffure); French roof (mansard style);… … Eponyms, nicknames, and geographical games
French — (adj.) O.E. frencisc of the Franks, from Franca (see FRANK (Cf. Frank)). The noun is from O.E. Frencisc. As the name of a language, from late 13c. Euphemistic meaning bad language (pardon my French) is from 1895. Used in many combination words,… … Etymology dictionary
French — French is an imported language in Brussels introduced during the Burgundian regime. French words were used in the city during the Middle Ages, when expressions such as allez, allez were spoken and written, but it was the arrival of a French… … Historical Dictionary of Brussels
French — French, John Denton Pinkstone * * * (as used in expressions) French Broad, río French, Daniel Chester French, John (Denton Pinkstone), 1 conde de Ypres Kemp, Jack (French) Sloan, John (French) … Enciclopedia Universal
French — French1 [french] n. [ME Frensh < OE Frencisc < Franca, a FRANK2] 1. the Romance language spoken chiefly in France, French Canada, and certain parts of Belgium, Switzerland, and Africa 2. [often f ] Brit. dry vermouth adj. of France or its… … English World dictionary