- freight forwarder
1) агентство по отправке грузов
2) грузовое транспортно-экспедиционное предприятие (агентство)
3) грузовой экспедитор
4) отправитель грузов
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
freight forwarder — Often the easiest way of handling the complexities of exporting, including the completion of documentation, is to use a freight forwarder. He provides advice on modes of transport, packaging and storage and can assume responsibility for the… … Law dictionary
Freight forwarder — The storefront of one of many freight forwarders located around Guangzhou s garment districts. The list of destinations indicate that this business serves importers of Chinese clothes to countries such as Russia and Azerbaijan. A freight… … Wikipedia
freight forwarder — See: forwarder. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary An intermediary who arranges for the carriage of goods and/or associated services on behalf of a shipper, importer or exporter. HM Customs & Revenue Glossary * * * freight forwarder freight forwarder … Financial and business terms
freight forwarder — noun see forwarder * * * a person or firm that arranges to pick up or deliver goods on instructions of a shipper or a consignee from or to a point by various necessary conveyances and common carriers. Also called forwarder, forwarding agent.… … Useful english dictionary
freight forwarder — / freɪt ˌfɔ:wədə/ noun a person or company that arranges shipping and customs documents for several shipments from different companies, putting them together to form one large shipment ▪▪▪ ‘…the airline will allow freight forwarder customers to… … Marketing dictionary in english
freight forwarder — / freɪt ˌfɔ:wədə/ noun a person or company that arranges shipping and customs documents for several shipments from different companies, putting them together to form one large shipment ▪▪▪ ‘…the airline will allow freight forwarder customers to… … Dictionary of banking and finance
freight forwarder — One who in the ordinary course of business assembles and consolidates small shipments into a single lot and assumes responsibility for transportation of such property from point of receipt to point of destination. Mercury Motor Express, Inc. v.… … Black's law dictionary
freight forwarder — One who in the ordinary course of business assembles and consolidates small shipments into a single lot and assumes responsibility for transportation of such property from point of receipt to point of destination. Mercury Motor Express, Inc. v.… … Black's law dictionary
freight forwarder — a person or firm that arranges to pick up or deliver goods on instructions of a shipper or a consignee from or to a point by various necessary conveyances and common carriers. Also called forwarder, forwarding agent. [1920 25] * * * … Universalium
freight forwarder — See forwarder … Ballentine's law dictionary
Freight Forwarder Act — See Forwarder Act … Ballentine's law dictionary