freezing microtome

freezing microtome
замораживающий микротом

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "freezing microtome" в других словарях:

  • freezing microtome — a microtome for cutting frozen sections …   Medical dictionary

  • Microtome — A microtome used in microscopy. A microtome (from the Greek mikros, meaning small , and temnein, meaning to cut ) is a sectioning instrument that allows for the cutting of extremely thin slices of material, known as sections. Microtomes are an… …   Wikipedia

  • Laser microtome — The laser microtome is an instrument used for non contact sectioning of biological tissues or materials.In contrast to mechanically working microtomes, the laser microtome does not require sample preparation techniques such as freezing,… …   Wikipedia

  • Skeletochronology — is used to determine the chronological age of a species of animal by counting the concentric growth rings found in a cross section of bone. Can not be used for all species of animals.Frogs are an example of a type of species that this works with …   Wikipedia

  • Cryostat — A chamber that can maintain very low temperatures. Medical laboratories use a cryostat to preserve frozen tissue samples while a microtome, an extremely sharp cutting instrument mounted inside cryostats, slices the tissue into pieces thin enough… …   Medical dictionary

  • Histology — Not to be confused with Historiography. A stained histologic specimen, sandwiched between a glass microscope slide and coverslip, mounted on the stage of a light microscope …   Wikipedia

  • Histopathology — Micrograph showing contraction band necrosis, a histopathologic finding of myocardial infarction (heart attack). Histopathology (compound of three Greek words: ἱστός histos tissue , πάθος pathos disease suffering , and λογία logi …   Wikipedia

  • Electron microscope — Diagram of a transmission electron microscope A 197 …   Wikipedia

  • vibratome — noun A vibrating microtome used to section soft tissue without freezing …   Wiktionary

  • Bordeaux Imaging Center — Le Bordeaux Imaging Center (BIC) est une plateforme d’imagerie cellulaire se trouvant dans l’Agglomération Bordelaise et appartenant au Centre de Génomique Fonctionnelle de Bordeaux. Le BIC propose un accès aux techniques les plus avancées de… …   Wikipédia en Français

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