freeze-frame image

freeze-frame image
статическое изображение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "freeze-frame image" в других словарях:

  • freeze-frame — or freeze frame (frēzʹfrām ) n. 1. A still picture in the course of a movie or television film, made by running a series of identical frames or by stopping a reel or videotape at one desired frame. 2. A vivid, motionless scene or image.   freezeʹ …   Universalium

  • freeze-frame — freeze ,frame noun uncount the process of stopping a movie on a video in order to look at one particular image a. count a single image produced when you stop a movie in this way ╾ freeze ,frame verb transitive …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Freeze frame television — Freeze frame television: Television in which fixed ( still ) images (the frames of the video) are transmitted sequentially at a rate far too slow to be perceived as continuous motion by human vision. The receiving device typically holds each… …   Wikipedia

  • freeze-frame — ► NOUN 1) a single frame forming a motionless image from a film or videotape. 2) the facility or process of stopping a film or videotape to obtain a freeze frame …   English terms dictionary

  • freeze-frame — UK / US noun Word forms freeze frame : singular freeze frame plural freeze frames a) [uncountable] the process of stopping a film on a video in order to look at one particular image b) [countable] a single image produced when you stop a film in… …   English dictionary

  • Freeze frame shot — A freeze frame shot is used when one shot is printed in a single frame several times, in order to make an interesting illusion of a still photograph. Freeze Frame is also a drama medium term used in which, during a live performance, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Freeze frame — Arrêt sur image Pour les articles homonymes, voir Arrêt sur image (homonymie). L arrêt sur image ou freeze frame est une technique cinématographique qui consiste à répéter une même image pendant un certain temps ce qui donne l impression que le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Freeze Frame — F/A/V An optical printing effect in which a single frame image is repeated so as to appead stationary when it is projected …   Audio and video glossary

  • freeze-frame — noun 1》 a single frame forming a motionless image from a film or videotape. 2》 the facility or process of stopping a film or videotape to obtain such a frame …   English new terms dictionary

  • Freeze frame — A&V The storing of a single frame of video. PP The repetition of a single frame of footage to give the effect that the action has stopped or that the audience is looking at a still image …   Audio and video glossary

  • freeze-frame — /ˈfriz freɪm/ (say freez fraym) noun 1. a method of running a film or video, whereby the speed of the film is slowed down or stopped on one frame so that it can be viewed as if it were a still photograph. –adjective 2. of or relating to an image… …  

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