- free-space diagram
- пространственная диаграмма направленности (антенны) , диаграмма направленности (антенны) в свободном пространстве
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
directivity diagram of laser radiation in free space — kryptinė lazerio spinduliuotės diagrama laisvojoje erdvėje statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. directivity diagram of laser radiation in free space vok. Freiraumlaserrichtdiagramm, n; Laserrichtdiagramm im freien Raum, n rus.… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Space debris — populations seen from outside geosynchronous orbit (GEO). Note the two primary debris fields, the ring of objects in GEO, and the cloud of objects in low earth orbit (LEO) … Wikipedia
Space Shuttle orbiter — The Discovery orbiter approaches the ISS on STS 121 Operator NASA Mission type Orbiter … Wikipedia
Space elevator — A space elevator for Earth would consist of a cable anchored to the Earth s equator, reaching into space. By attaching a counterweight at the end (or by further extending the cable upward for the same purpose), the center of mass is kept well… … Wikipedia
Free Boolean algebra — In abstract algebra, a branch of mathematics, a free Boolean algebra is a Boolean algebra 〈 B , F 〉, such that the set B (called the carrier ) has a subset whose elements are called generators. The generators satisfy the following properties:… … Wikipedia
Space Shuttle Enterprise — Enterprise OV 101 Enterprise at SLC 6 at Vandenberg AFB OV designation OV 101 Country … Wikipedia
Space Shuttle — STS redirects here. For other uses, see STS (disambiguation). This article is about the NASA Space Transportation System vehicle. For the associated NASA STS program, see Space Shuttle program. For other shuttles and aerospace vehicles, see… … Wikipedia
Space Shuttle Challenger disaster — For more information about the final mission and crew of the Challenger, see STS 51 L. Space Shuttle Challenger s smoke plume after the in flight breakup that killed all seven crew members … Wikipedia
Space-based solar power — Left: Part of the solar energy is lost on its way through the atmosphere by the effects of reflection and absorption. Right: Space based solar power systems convert sunlight to microwaves outside the atmosphere, avoiding these losses, and the… … Wikipedia
International Space Station — ISS redirects here. For other uses, see ISS (disambiguation). International Space Station … Wikipedia
Feynman diagram — The Wick s expansion of the integrand gives (among others) the following termNarpsi(x)gamma^mupsi(x)arpsi(x )gamma^ upsi(x )underline{A mu(x)A u(x )};,whereunderline{A mu(x)A u(x )}=int{d^4pover(2pi)^4}{ig {mu u}over k^2+i0}e^{ k(x x )}is the… … Wikipedia