Смотреть что такое "free-handed" в других словарях:
Free-handed — Free hand ed, a. 1. Open handed; liberal; given or giving freely or liberally; as, a freehanded host. [WordNet sense 2] Syn: big, bighearted, bounteous, bountiful, handsome, giving, liberal, openhanded. [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5] 2. same as… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
free-handed — free handedly, adv. free handedness, n. /free han did/, adj. 1. generous; liberal. 2. freehand. adv. 3. freehand. [1650 60] * * * … Universalium
free-handed — free′ hand′ed adj. 1) generous; liberal 2) freehand 3) freehand • Etymology: 1650–60 free′ hand′ed•ly, adv. free′ hand′ed•ness, n … From formal English to slang
free-handed — free handedly, adv. free handedness, n. /free han did/, adj. 1. generous; liberal. 2. freehand. adv. 3. freehand. [1650 60] … Useful english dictionary
free-handed — /ˈfri hændəd/ (say free handuhd) adjective 1. open handed; generous; liberal. 2. having the hands free. –free handedness, noun …
free-handed — adj generous, munificent, giving, open handed, unselfish, unsparing, unstinting, free, liberal; charitable, altruistic, philanthropic, benevolent, beneficent … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
free-handed — adjective generous, especially with money. Derivatives free handedly adverb free handedness noun … English new terms dictionary
free-handed — generous; liberal, wasteful … English contemporary dictionary
Handed — Hand ed, a. 1. With hands joined; hand in hand. [1913 Webster] Into their inmost bower, Handed they went. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. Having a peculiar or characteristic hand. [1913 Webster] As poisonous tongued as handed. Shak. [1913 Webster] Note … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
free — adj 1. independent, self governed, self governing, self directing, inner directed; sovereign, autonomous, unsubject, uncolonial; enfranchised, freeborn. 2. unconfined, at liberty, at large, loose, on the loose; freed, liberated, released, let out … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
free — adj., adv., & v. adj. (freer; freest) 1 not in bondage to or under the control of another; having personal rights and social and political liberty. 2 (of a State, or its citizens or institutions) subject neither to foreign domination nor to… … Useful english dictionary