free-floating — ˈfree ˌfloating adjective FINANCE ECONOMICS not connected to or influenced by another thing: • an open economy with free floating exchange rates * * * free floating UK US adjective FINANCE ► used to describe a currency s exchange rate that is not … Financial and business terms
free-floating — free .floating adj not connected to or influenced by anything ▪ a free floating exchange rate ▪ a free floating currency … Dictionary of contemporary English
free-floating — /free floh ting/, adj. 1. (of an emotional state) lacking an apparent cause, focus, or object; generalized: free floating hostility. 2. (of people) uncommitted, as to a doctrine, political party, etc.; independent: free floating opportunists. 3.… … Universalium
free-floating — free′ float′ing adj. 1) psi lacking an apparent cause, focus, or object; generalized: free floating anxiety[/ex] 2) uncommitted; independent: free floating voters[/ex] 3) capable of relatively free movement • Etymology: 1920–25 … From formal English to slang
free-floating — [frē′flōt′iŋ] adj. Informal 1. undecided, uncommitted, or without a definite focus 2. likely to be experienced although without an evident cause [free floating fear] … English World dictionary
Free Floating — (2006) ( ru. Свободное плавание, Svobodnoe Plavanie) is an absurdist tale about Losers. They do not achieve, they do not try, they practically do not talk, and they do not even have sex. There is nothing to tell about them, and even if there was… … Wikipedia
free-floating — free float·ing frē flōt iŋ adj felt as an emotion without apparent cause <free floating anxiety> … Medical dictionary
free-floating — adjective 1. ) not fixed to anything, and able to move anywhere 2. ) not connected with any particular company or organization 3. ) not controlled or fixed by any particular system … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
free-floating — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective 1. a. : relatively unattached or attached by a device that allows relatively free movement : moving or capable of moving in almost any direction a free floating tone arm on a phonograph b. : relatively uncommitted (as to… … Useful english dictionary
free-floating — adjective Date: 1921 1. a. floating freely < free floating vegetation > b. lacking specific attachment, direction, or purpose < free floating ideas > 2. felt as an emotion without apparent cause < free floating anxiety > … New Collegiate Dictionary
free-floating — ADJ: ADJ n Free floating things or people are able to move freely and are not controlled or directed by anything. ...a system of free floating exchange rates. Ant: restricted … English dictionary