- free-born
- ˈfri:ˈbɔ:n прил. свободнорожденный a свободнорожденный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
free|born — «FREE BRN», adjective. 1. born free, not in slavery. 2. of or suitable for people born free: »freeborn rights … Useful english dictionary
free-born — mid 14c., from FREE (Cf. free) (adj.) + BORN (Cf. born) … Etymology dictionary
free born — having been born free (as opposed to being born into slavery or bondage) … English contemporary dictionary
free·born — /ˈfriːˈboɚn/ adj : not born in slavery a freeborn citizen … Useful english dictionary
free-born — … Useful english dictionary
Born Free (Album) — Born Free Studioalbum von Kid Rock Veröffentlichung 2010 Label Atlantic Records Format … Deutsch Wikipedia
born — adj. 1) born of (born of poor parents) 2) born to (born to wealth; born to illiterate parents) 3) born to + inf. (he was born to rule) 4) (misc.) born free * * * [ bɔːneɪ] (misc.) born free born to + inf. (he was born to rule) bornof (born of… … Combinatory dictionary
free — adj., adv., & v. adj. (freer; freest) 1 not in bondage to or under the control of another; having personal rights and social and political liberty. 2 (of a State, or its citizens or institutions) subject neither to foreign domination nor to… … Useful english dictionary
free — Synonyms and related words: abandoned, able, above, absolve, accessible, acquit, adrift, affranchise, afloat, afoot and lighthearted, allowed, amnesty, approachable, arbitrary, artless, as a gift, as our guest, at large, at leisure, at liberty,… … Moby Thesaurus
Free — Recorded in several spelling forms including: Fry, Frye, Fray and Free, this interesting English surname has two possible sources. The first is as a nickname or status name from the Old English pre 7th Century word freo or frig meaning free… … Surnames reference
Born Free (song) — Born Free is a song with music by John Barry, and lyrics by Don Black. It was written for the 1966 film of the same name. The song was used to honor Elsa the Lioness, who was one of the most famous animals in history. The song won an Academy… … Wikipedia