free vector
Смотреть что такое "free vector" в других словарях:
free vector — laisvasis vektorius statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. free vector vok. freier Vektor, m rus. свободный вектор, m pranc. vecteur libre, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
free vector — noun Mathematics a vector of which only the magnitude and direction are specified, not the position or line of action … English new terms dictionary
Free Lie algebra — In mathematics, a free Lie algebra, over a given field K, is a Lie algebra generated by a set X, without any imposed relations. Contents 1 Definition 2 Universal enveloping algebra 3 Hall sets … Wikipedia
Free module — In mathematics, a free module is a free object in the category of modules. Given a set S , a free module on S is a (particular construction of a) free module with basis S .Every vector space is free, and the free vector space on a set is a… … Wikipedia
Vector quantization — is a classical quantization technique from signal processing which allows the modeling of probability density functions by the distribution of prototype vectors. It was originally used for data compression. It works by dividing a large set of… … Wikipedia
Vector (disease) — Vector is a phrase used in parasitology and entomology to describe a special type of intermediate host for parasites. A vector is not only required as part of the parasite s development, but it also delivers the parasite directly to subsequent… … Wikipedia
Vector autoregression — (VAR) is an econometric model used to capture the evolution and the interdependencies between multiple time series, generalizing the univariate AR models. All the variables in a VAR are treated symmetrically by including for each variable an… … Wikipedia
Vector Analysis (Gibbs/Wilson) — Vector Analysis is a book on vector calculus first published in 1901 by Edwin Bidwell Wilson. Its subtitle is A Text book for the use of students of mathematics and physics, founded upon the lectures of J. Willard Gibbs Ph.D. LL.D. This textbook… … Wikipedia
Free trade debate — Free trade is one of the most debated topics in economics of the 20th and 21st century Fact|date=December 2007. Arguments over free trade can be divided into economic, moral, and socio political arguments. The academic debate among economists is… … Wikipedia
Vector (journal) — Vector is the critical journal of the British Science Fiction Association (BSFA). It is free to members of the BSFA and can be purchased at genre conventions and BSFA events. The first issue was published in 1958 under the founding editorship of… … Wikipedia
Free software — or software libre is software that can be used, studied, and modified without restriction, and which can be copied and redistributed in modified or unmodified form either without restriction, or with minimal restrictions only to ensure that… … Wikipedia