free perspective

free perspective
мат. свободная перспектива

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "free perspective" в других словарях:

  • free perspective — noun : intentional falsification of perspective (as in painting or stage designing) for a particular effect such as the illusion of great depth or distance * * * exaggeration of perspectival devices to increase the illusion of depth, used esp. in …   Useful english dictionary

  • free perspective — exaggeration of perspectival devices to increase the illusion of depth, used esp. in stage set painting and construction. * * * …   Universalium

  • Free trade debate — Free trade is one of the most debated topics in economics of the 20th and 21st century Fact|date=December 2007. Arguments over free trade can be divided into economic, moral, and socio political arguments. The academic debate among economists is… …   Wikipedia

  • Free will in theology — is an important part of the debate on free will in general. This article discusses the doctrine of free will as it has been, and is, interpreted within the various branches of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. In Christian thoughtIn… …   Wikipedia

  • Free flight (air traffic control) — Free flight is a developing air traffic control method that uses no centralized control (e.g. air traffic controllers). Instead, parts of airspace are reserved dynamically and automatically in a distributed way using computer communication to… …   Wikipedia

  • Free-market environmentalism — is a position that argues that the free market, property rights, and tort law provide the best tools to preserve the health and sustainability of the environment. This is in contrast to the most common modern approach of proactive environmental… …   Wikipedia

  • Free migration — or open immigration is the position that people should be able to migrate to whatever country they choose, free of substantial barriers. Although the two are not the same issue, free migration is similar in spirit to the concept of free trade,… …   Wikipedia

  • Free energy suppression — is a conspiracy theory that claims that advanced technology that would reshape current electrical generation methods is being suppressed by special interest groups. These groups are usually related to the oil industry, to whom current energy… …   Wikipedia

  • Free climbing — is a type of rock climbing, in which the climber uses no artificial aids to make upwards progress. In this way, the climber will use only hands, feet and other parts of the body. Ropes and protective equipment are used only for protection against …   Wikipedia

  • Free indirect speech — is a style of third person narration which uses some of the characteristics of third person along with the essence of first person direct speech. (It is also referred to as free indirect discourse, free indirect style, or discours indirect libre… …   Wikipedia

  • FREE ROCK — Nom donné parfois à un courant qui tente soit la synthèse, soit la mise en rapport dialectique, soit encore le collage pur et simple d’éléments empruntés au free jazz (hyperexpressionnisme sonore, refus par le soliste de la mélodie et de la trame …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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