free index
Смотреть что такое "free index" в других словарях:
Morgan Stanley Capital International Pacific Free index — A market capitalization weighted benchmark index made up of equities ( equity) from Pacific Basin countries. Japan represents about three fourths of the index. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
Emerging Markets Free index — ( EMF) A Morgan Stanley Capital International index created to track stock markets in selected emerging markets that are open to foreign investment like Argentina, Chile, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, and Thailand. Bloomberg Financial… … Financial and business terms
Free market — A free market is a market in which property rights are voluntarily exchanged at a price arranged completely by the mutual consent of sellers and buyers. In a free market, individuals, rather than government, make the majority of decisions… … Wikipedia
free indices — Usually refers to indices constructed by Morgan Stanley Capital International such that the market capitalization weights reflect the degree to which a stock is investible by foreigners. For example, if a stock has $700 million capitalization but … Financial and business terms
Index on Censorship — is a magazine founded in 1972 by Michael Scammell [ Michael Scammell, How Index on Censorship Started in George Theiner They Shoot Writers, Don t They? (Faber Faber, London, 1984, pp. 19 28.)] and a group of writers, journalists and artists, led… … Wikipedia
Free Geek — is a collectively run non profit organization started in Portland, Oregon in 2000. Free Geek has two central goals: to reuse or recycle used computer equipment that might otherwise become hazardous waste, [cite news|author= Peter Forsyth|title=… … Wikipedia
Free Speech on Evolution — is a Discovery Institute intelligent design campaign. It began in 2005 and has been run hand in hand with the Institute s Teach the Controversy campaign. Its goal is to introduce intelligent design into United States public high school science… … Wikipedia
Free androgen index — or FAI is a ratio used to determine abnormal androgen status in humans. The ratio is the total testosterone level divided by the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) level, and then multiplying by a constant, usually 100. The concentrations of… … Wikipedia
Free-to-air — (FTA) television (TV) and radio broadcasts are sent unencrypted and may be received via any suitable receiver: Free to view (FTV) is, generally, available without subscription but is digitally encoded and may be restricted geographically. Neither … Wikipedia
FREE WILL — FREE WILL, a philosophic and theological notion referring initially to the observation that man is able to choose between a number of possible courses of action, becoming, through his choice, the cause of the action which he selects. Among… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Free (Album) — Free Studioalbum von Kate Ryan Veröffentlichung 2008 Label ARS Entertainment/Universal … Deutsch Wikipedia