- free enterprise economy
- экономика свободного предпринимательства
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Free enterprise — may refer to:* Free enterprise system or Free enterprise economy , another term for capitalism * Free Enterprise , a film featuring William ShatnerThree important rights people have in the free enterprise system? … Wikipedia
free enterprise — Synonyms and related words: autarky, bimetallism, bourgeois, capitalism, capitalist, capitalistic system, economic self sufficiency, finance capitalism, free competition, free economy, free trade, free enterprise economy, free enterprise system,… … Moby Thesaurus
free-market economy — An economy dominated by private enterprise. In a free market economy industrial output, the *prices of products and services, and the allocation of economic resources are determined by the unhindered interplay of the forces of supply and demand.… … Auditor's dictionary
free market economy — an economic system in which all or most of the means of production are privately owned and operated (usually through employing wage labour, and for profit), and in which the investment of capital and the production, distribution and prices of… … Mini philosophy glossary
free enterprise — n. 1. an economic system having predominantly private ownership of the means of production, and relying chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices, and having a minimum of governmental interference in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
free enterprise — free enterprising, adj. 1. an economic and political doctrine holding that a capitalist economy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market through the relationship of supply and demand with a minimum of governmental intervention and… … Universalium
free enterprise — free′ en′terprise n. 1) bus the doctrine that a capitalist economy can regulate itself in a competitive market on the basis of supply and demand with a minimum of governmental regulation 2) bus the practice of free enterprise • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
free enterprise — noun an economy that relies chiefly on market forces to allocate goods and resources and to determine prices • Syn: ↑market economy, ↑private enterprise, ↑laissez faire economy • Ant: ↑non market economy (for: ↑market economy) … Useful english dictionary
free enterprise system — an economic system in which all or most of the means of production are privately owned and operated (usually through employing wage labour, and for profit), and in which the investment of capital and the production, distribution and prices of… … Mini philosophy glossary
free enterprise — noun Date: 1890 freedom of private business to organize and operate for profit in a competitive system without interference by government beyond regulation necessary to protect public interest and keep the national economy in balance … New Collegiate Dictionary
Economy of Liechtenstein — Economy overview:Despite its small size and limited natural resources, Liechtenstein has developed into a prosperous, highly industrialized, free enterprise economy with a vital financial service sector and living standards on a par with the… … Wikipedia