fraudulent sale

fraudulent sale
продажа во вред кредиторам

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fraudulent sale" в других словарях:

  • fraudulent sale — One made for the purpose of defrauding the creditors of the owner of the property, by covering up or removing from their reach and converting into cash property which would be subject to the satisfaction of their claims. Such sales may be voided… …   Black's law dictionary

  • sale — A contract between two parties, called, respectively, the seller (or vendor) and the buyer (or purchaser), by which the former, in consideration of the payment or promise of payment of a certain price in money, transfers to the latter the title… …   Black's law dictionary

  • fraudulent conveyance — n: a conveyance of property made for the purpose of rendering the property unavailable for satisfaction of a debt or otherwise hindering or defeating the rights of creditors; specif: a conveyance of property that is made in return for inadequate… …   Law dictionary

  • Bulk sale — For food sold by weight in stores, see bulk bins. A bulk sale, sometimes called a bulk transfer, is a sale of goods by a business that represents all or substantially all of its inventory to a single buyer unless such a sale would be common in… …   Wikipedia

  • List of animals with fraudulent diplomas — Animals have been submitted as applicants to suspected diploma mills in several cases. On some occasions the animal has been not only admitted, but granted a degree. In one case, a cat s degree helped lead to a successful fraud prosecution… …   Wikipedia

  • simulated sale — One which has all the appearance of an actual sale in good faith, intended to transfer the ownership of property for a consideration, but which in reality covers a collusive design of the parties to put the property beyond the reach of creditors …   Black's law dictionary

  • SunCruz Casinos sale (2000) — Jack AbramoffSunCruz Casinos is one of many cruise lines that offer cruises to nowhere, legally transporting passengers into international waters beyond the reach of federal and state gambling laws. In the 2000s, it became known for the… …   Wikipedia

  • Columbia House — For other uses, see Columbia House (disambiguation). Columbia House Type Private Industry direct to consumer distributor of media products Founded 1955 Founder(s) Columbia Records Headquarters …   Wikipedia

  • MISTAKE — A legal transaction requires that the making up of the mind (or the conclusive intention of the parties to close the bargain – gemirat ha da at) be demonstrated (see acquisition , Modes of). When it is apparent that one of the parties lacked such …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Babylonian law — Archaeological material for the study of Babylonian law is singularly extensive. So called contracts exist in the thousands, including a great variety of deeds, conveyances, bonds, receipts, accounts, and most important of all, actual legal… …   Wikipedia

  • Merchandise Marks Act, 1862 — The statute 25 & 26 Viet., c. 88, designed to prevent the fraudulent marking of merchandise and the fraudulent sale of merchandise falsely marked …   Black's law dictionary

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