Смотреть что такое "fratry" в других словарях:
fratry — /fray tree/, n., pl. fratries. frater2. [1530 40] * * * … Universalium
fratry — fra·try … English syllables
fratry — … Useful english dictionary
List of Grade I listed buildings in Cumbria — There are over 6000 Grade I listed buildings in England. This page is a list of these buildings in the county of Cumbria, sub divided by district.Allerdale* Church of St Andrew, Aikton * Harby Brow Tower, farmhouse barn, Allhallows * Whitehall,… … Wikipedia
frater — frater1 /fray teuhr/, n. 1. a brother, as in a religious or fraternal order; comrade. 2. a member of a college or university fraternity. [1555 65; < L frater BROTHER] frater2 /fray teuhr/, n. Eccles. Hist. Obs. the refectory of a religious house … Universalium
Abbey — • A monastery canonically erected and autonomous, with a community of not fewer than twelve religious; monks under the government of an abbot; nuns under that of an abbess Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Abbey Abbey … Catholic encyclopedia
frater — I. /ˈfreɪtə/ (say fraytuh) noun a brother; comrade. {Latin: brother} II. /ˈfreɪtə/ (say fraytuh) noun the refectory of a religious house. Also, fratry. {Middle English freitur, from Old French fraitur, shortened form of refreitor, representing… …
fratery — noun see fratry … Useful english dictionary