- franking privilege
- право франкирования писем (право бесплатной пересылки почты)
право бесплатной пересылки почты;
право франкирования писем
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
franking privilege — Frank Frank, n. [See {Frank}, a.] The privilege of sending letters or other mail matter, free of postage, or without charge; also, the sign, mark, or signature denoting that a letter or other mail matter is to go free of postage. Called also the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
franking privilege — The privilege of sending certain matter through the public mails without payment of postage, in pursuance of a personal or official privilege. The privilege granted to members of Congress to send out a certain amount of mail under signature… … Black's law dictionary
franking privilege — The privilege of sending certain matter through the public mails without payment of postage, in pursuance of a personal or official privilege. The privilege granted to members of Congress to send out a certain amount of mail under signature… … Black's law dictionary
franking privilege — A privilege conferred by statute upon certain persons and certain classes of mail matter by virtue of which certain matters may be transmitted by mail without postage, subject to conditions prescribed in the statute. 39 USC §§ 321 et seq … Ballentine's law dictionary
Franking — (or Franks ) are any and all devices or markings such as postage stamps (including printed and/or embossed on postal stationery), printed or stamped impressions, codings, labels, manuscript writings (including privilege signatures), and/or any… … Wikipedia
privilege — n. 1) to award, give, grant a privilege 2) to enjoy, exercise; have a privilege (to enjoy guest privileges) 3) to abuse a privilege 4) to revoke; suspend a privilege 5) a class; exclusive; special privilege 6) franking; guest; kitchen privileges… … Combinatory dictionary
Official mail — Australian official mail crash cover salvaged from the 1935 Imperial Airways City of Khartoum aircraft crash at Alexandria during an England to Australia flight. Official mail is mail sent from, or by an authorised department of government,… … Wikipedia
Франкирование — Франкирование, или франкировка (от итал. fran care освобождать[1] и лат. francus бесплатный), форма предварительной оплаты почтового сбора, материальное свидетельство оплаты услуг почтовой связи, предоставляемых… … Википедия
United States Congress — For the current Congress, see 112th United States Congress. United States Congress 112th United States Congress … Wikipedia
Postage stamps and postal history of the Confederate States — Confederacy Treasury Dept cover Various departments of the Confederate government used envelopes which were printed with the names of their department. Examples where the words Official Business occurs are common. The postage stamps and postal… … Wikipedia
Marilyn Musgrave — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Musgrave. Marilyn Musgrave … Wikipédia en Français