- frame period
- период кадра, период кадровой развертки
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
frame period — kadrų periodas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. frame period vok. Rasterbildperiode, f rus. период повторения кадров, m pranc. période d images, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
frame´less — frame «fraym», noun, verb, framed, fram|ing. –n. 1. a support over which something is stretched or built; framework: »the frame of a house. 2. anything made of parts fitted and joined together; structure or system: »His [Milton s] death dissolved … Useful english dictionary
frame´a|ble — frame «fraym», noun, verb, framed, fram|ing. –n. 1. a support over which something is stretched or built; framework: »the frame of a house. 2. anything made of parts fitted and joined together; structure or system: »His [Milton s] death dissolved … Useful english dictionary
frame — [frām] vt. framed, framing [ME framen < frame, a structure, frame, prob. < ON frami, profit, benefit, akin to frama, to further < fram, forward (akin to OE fram, FROM); some senses < OE framian, to be helpful: see FURNISH] 1. to shape … English World dictionary
Frame-bursting — is a technique in wireless technology supported by the draft 802.11e Quality of Service specification. Frame Bursting may increase the throughput of any (point to point) 802.11A, B, G or N link connection in certain conditions. This is done by… … Wikipedia
Frame of Government of Pennsylvania — The Frame of Government of Pennsylvania was a constitution for the Province of Pennsylvania, a proprietary colony granted to William Penn by Charles II of England. In 1682 Penn, while still in England, drafted the first version of the Frame of… … Wikipedia
Period prevalence — In epidemiology, Period prevalence is the proportion of the population with a given disease or condition over a specific period of time. It could describe how many people in a population had a cold over the cold season in 2006, for example.It is… … Wikipedia
Frame relay — In the context of computer networking, frame relay consists of an efficient data transmission technique used to send digital information. It is a message forwarding relay race like system in which data packets, called frames, are passed from one… … Wikipedia
frame design — ▪ decorative arts decorative (decorative art) treatment of frames for mirrors and pictures. Before the 15th century in Europe, frames rarely existed separately from their architectural setting and, with the altarpieces or the predellas… … Universalium
frame — /freɪm / (say fraym) noun 1. an enclosing border or case, as for a picture. 2. anything composed of parts fitted and joined together; a structure. 3. the sustaining parts of a structure fitted and joined together; framework; skeleton. 4. the body …
period of time — noun an amount of time (Freq. 7) a time period of 30 years hastened the period of time of his recovery Picasso s blue period • Syn: ↑time period, ↑period • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary