frame marker
Смотреть что такое "frame marker" в других словарях:
Paintball marker — A paintball marker, also known as a paintball gun, is the central or main piece of equipment in the sport of paintball. Markers make use of an expanding gas such as carbon dioxide, compressed air or nitrogen dioxide to propel paintballs through… … Wikipedia
Automag (paintball marker) — The Automag is a paintball marker designed by Tom Kaye and produced by Airgun Designs, Inc. It bears the distinction of being the first semi automatic marker ever to win a paintball tournament. Team Swarm used Automags in their victory at the… … Wikipedia
Shocker (paintball marker) — paintball gun|Smart Parts Ion title= Smart Parts Ion caption= A blue Shocker NXT marker type=Electropneumatic action=Semi Automatic, Rebound, Three Round Burst, Full Automatic barrel=14 inches bore= rof=20 balls per second price= $725 USD… … Wikipedia
Ion (paintball marker) — paintball gun|Smart Parts Ion title= Smart Parts Ion caption= Smart Parts Ion marker type=Spool Valve Electropneumatic action=Semi Automatic, Rebound, Three Round Burst, Full Automatic barrel=12 inch ported bore= .689 rof=17 balls per second… … Wikipedia
Open reading frame — In molecular genetics, an open reading frame (ORF) is a DNA sequence that does not contain a stop codon in a given reading frame[1]. Normally, inserts which interrupt the reading frame of a subsequent region after the start codon, cause… … Wikipedia
Fiduciary marker — A fiduciary marker or fiducial is an object used in the field of view of an imaging system which appears in the image produced, for use as a point of reference or a measure. It may be either something placed into or on the imaging subject, or a… … Wikipedia
PGP (paintball marker) — The PGP is a paintball pistol originally manufactured by Sheridan. It is a Stock Class paintball marker, meaning that it utilizes 12 gram CO2 powerlets, and has a horizontal feed tube that holds 10 rounds. Old and new stylesThere are two main… … Wikipedia
A-frame barricade — A traffic marker indicating that the road is not usable … Dictionary of automotive terms
JFIF — Dieser Artikel beschreibt das Grafikformat mit der Dateiendung .jpg oder .jpeg. Für eine Beschreibung der zugrunde liegenden JPEG Bildkompressionsverfahren siehe JPEG. Das JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) ist ein 1991 von Eric Hamilton… … Deutsch Wikipedia
JPEG File Interchange Format — Dateiendung: .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .jfif MIME Type … Deutsch Wikipedia
JPG — Dieser Artikel beschreibt das Grafikformat mit der Dateiendung .jpg oder .jpeg. Für eine Beschreibung der zugrunde liegenden JPEG Bildkompressionsverfahren siehe JPEG. Das JPEG File Interchange Format (JFIF) ist ein 1991 von Eric Hamilton… … Deutsch Wikipedia