- fraidy cat
- (американизм) (детское) трусишка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Fraidy Cat — (also known as scaredy cat) is a slang term for a person who is very skittish or fearful. Fraidy Cat may refer to: * Fraidy Cat (film), a 1942 Tom and Jerry cartoon short * Fraidy Cat ( Garfield and Friends ), a 1988 episode of Garfield and… … Wikipedia
fraidy-cat — • fraidy cat • fraid cat • scaredy cat • scared cat noun informal A shy person; someone who is easily frightened. Usually used by or to children. Tom was a fraidy cat and wouldn t go in the water … Словарь американских идиом
fraidy-cat — coward, by 1871, Amer.Eng. slang, from fraid, childish or dialectal (African, W.Indies) pronunciation of AFRAID (Cf. afraid) (by 1816), + CAT (Cf. cat) … Etymology dictionary
fraidy-cat — [frā′dē kat΄] n. [< AFRAID + CAT1] Informal a person easily frightened: a child s term … English World dictionary
Fraidy Cat — Кот трусишка англ. Fraidy Cat … Википедия
fraidy cat — a child who is afraid to jump etc., chicken Fraidy cat, fraidy cat! the boys shouted. Ali s afraid to jump! … English idioms
fraidy cat — [“fredi...] n. a coward; a person who is frightened of everything. (Used in children’s taunts.) □ Don’t be a fraidy cat. Go ahead, jump! □ Carl is such a fraidy cat … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
fraidy-cat — or[fraid cat] or[scaredy cat] or[scared cat] {n.}, {informal} A shy person; someone who is easily frightened. Usually used by or to children. * /Tom was a fraidy cat and wouldn t go in the water./ … Dictionary of American idioms
fraidy-cat — or[fraid cat] or[scaredy cat] or[scared cat] {n.}, {informal} A shy person; someone who is easily frightened. Usually used by or to children. * /Tom was a fraidy cat and wouldn t go in the water./ … Dictionary of American idioms
fraidy-cat — /fray dee kat /, n. Informal. a timid, easily frightened person: often used by children. Also called scaredy cat. [1905 10; fraid (aph. form of AFRAID) + Y1] * * * /ˈfreıdiˌkæt/ noun, pl cats [count] US informal : ↑scaredy cat used mainly by… … Useful english dictionary
Fraidy Cat (TV series) — Fraidy Cat is a 1975 comical children s cartoon show that originally appeared as a segment on the short lived series Uncle Croc s Block . It stars Fraidy Cat, an unlucky and miserable cat who, like all cats, has nine lives, but has used up eight… … Wikipedia