fragmental debris
Смотреть что такое "fragmental debris" в других словарях:
Augustine Volcano — Augustine Volcano, 1976 Elevation 4,134 ft (1,260 m) … Wikipedia
volcano — /vol kay noh/, n., pl. volcanoes, volcanos. 1. a vent in the earth s crust through which lava, steam, ashes, etc., are expelled, either continuously or at irregular intervals. 2. a mountain or hill, usually having a cuplike crater at the summit,… … Universalium
impact crater — Astron., Geol. crater (def. 2). [1890 95] * * * ▪ landform Introduction any feature on the continents that has been created by the impact of cosmic bodies (meteorites, asteroids (asteroid), or comets (comet)) on the Earth s surface. In fact … Universalium
Volcanism on Mars — Mariner 9 image of Olympus Mons[1]. This is one of the first images to show that Mars has large volcanoes. Volcanic activity, or volcanism, has played a significant role in the geologic evolution of Mars.[ … Wikipedia
Breccia — (pronEng|ˈbrɛtʃiə, ˈbrɛʃiə, it. breach) is a rock composed of angular fragments of several minerals or rocks in a matrix, that is a cementing material, that may be similar or different in composition to the fragments. A breccia may have a variety … Wikipedia
Clastic rock — A thin section of a clast (sand grain), derived from a basalt score. Vesicles (air bubbles) can be seen throughout the clast. Plane light above, cross polarized light below. Scale box is 0.25 mm Clastic rocks are composed of fragments, or clasts … Wikipedia
Mount Edziza volcanic complex — Mount Edziza, one of the main volcanoes of the Mount Edziza volcanic complex Elevation … Wikipedia
Mount Garibaldi — as seen from Squamish Elevation 2,678 m (8,786 ft) … Wikipedia
Mount Papandayan — Elevation 2,665 m (8,743 ft) … Wikipedia
Regolith — (Greek: blanket rock ) is a layer of loose, heterogeneous material covering solid rock. It includes dust, soil, broken rock, and other related materials and is present on Earth, the Moon, some asteroids, and other planets. The term was first… … Wikipedia
tuff — tuff1 /tuf/, adj. Slang. tough (def. 13). tuff2 tuffaceous /tu fay sheuhs/, adj. /tuf/, n. Geol. a fragmental rock consisting of the smaller kinds of volcanic detritus, as ash or cinder, usually more or less stratified. Also called volcanic tuff … Universalium