Fractionary — Frac tion*a*ry, a. Fractional. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fractionary — frac·tion·ar·y || frækʃnÉ™rɪ adj. of or pertaining to fractions; constituting a fraction; tiny, small; insignificant … English contemporary dictionary
fractionary — frac·tion·ary … English syllables
fractionary — frac•tion•ar•y [[t]ˈfræk ʃəˌnɛr i[/t]] adj. fractional • Etymology: 1885–90 … From formal English to slang
fractionary — shəˌnerē adjective 1. : fractional 2. : concerned with or done by fractions or piecemeal … Useful english dictionary
fractional — /ˈfrækʃənəl/ (say frakshuhnuhl) adjective 1. Also, fractionary /ˈfrækʃənri/ (say frakshuhnree). relating to fractions; comprising a part or the parts of a unit; constituting a fraction: fractional numbers. 2. Also, fractionary /ˈfrækʃənri/ (say… …
fractional — fractionally, adv. /frak sheuh nl/, adj. 1. pertaining to fractions; comprising a part or the parts of a unit; constituting a fraction: fractional numbers. 2. comparatively small; inconsiderable or insignificant: The profit on the deal was… … Universalium
fractional — I (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. partial, constituent, sectional, fragmentary, incomplete, divided, segmented, compartmented, parceled, apportioned, dismembered, dispersed, by fractions, piecemeal, fractionary. Ant. whole*, total, complete. II (Roget s … English dictionary for students
fractional — [frak′shə nəl] adj. 1. of or forming a fraction or fractions 2. very small; unimportant; insignificant 3. Chem. designating or of any of various processes for separating the constituents of a mixture by taking advantage of differences in their… … English World dictionary
fraction — n. 1 a numerical quantity that is not a whole number (e.g. 1/2, 0.5). 2 a small, esp. very small, part, piece, or amount. 3 a portion of a mixture separated by distillation etc. 4 Polit. any organized dissentient group, esp. a group of communists … Useful english dictionary