fractional exponent
Смотреть что такое "fractional exponent" в других словарях:
Exponent — Ex*po nent, n. [L. exponens, entis, p. pr. of exponere to put out, set forth, expose. See {Expound}.] 1. (Alg.) A number, letter, or any quantity written on the right hand of and above another quantity, and denoting how many times the latter is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Exponent of a ratio — Exponent Ex*po nent, n. [L. exponens, entis, p. pr. of exponere to put out, set forth, expose. See {Expound}.] 1. (Alg.) A number, letter, or any quantity written on the right hand of and above another quantity, and denoting how many times the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fractional calculus — is a branch of mathematical analysis that studies the possibility of taking real number powers of the differential operator ::D = frac{d}{dx} , and the integration operator J . (Usually J is used in favor of I to avoid confusion with other I like … Wikipedia
exponent — [ek spōn′ənt, ikspōn′ənt; ] also, esp.for n.3 [, eks′pōn΄ənt] adj. [L exponens, prp. of exponere: see EXPOUND] explaining, interpreting, or expounding n. 1. a person who sets forth, expounds, or promotes principles, methods, etc. 2. a person or… … English World dictionary
Hurst exponent — In fractal geometry, the generalized Hurst exponent, named H in honor of both Harold Edwin Hurst (1880 1978) and Ludwig Otto Hölder (1859 1937) by Benoît Mandelbrot, is referred to as the index of dependence, and is the relative tendency of a… … Wikipedia
How Long Is the Coast of Britain? Statistical Self-Similarity and Fractional Dimension — is a paper by mathematician Benoît Mandelbrot, first published in Science in 1967. In this paper Mandelbrot discusses self similar curves that have Hausdorff dimension between 1 and 2. These curves are examples of fractals , although Mandelbrot… … Wikipedia
Hurst exponent — ( H) A measure of the bias in fractional Brownian motion. H=0.50 for Brownian motion. 0.50<H<1.00 for persistent, or trend reinforcing series. 0<H<0.50 for an anti persistent , or mean reverting system. The inverse of the Hurst… … Financial and business terms
Algebraic fraction — In elementary algebra, an algebraic fraction is the indicated quotient of two algebraic expressions.[1] Two examples of algebraic fractions are and . Algebraic fractions are subject to the same laws as arithmetic fractions. Contents 1 Terminology … Wikipedia
Fraction (mathematics) — A cake with one quarter removed. The remaining three quarters are shown. Dotted lines indicate where the cake may be cut in order to divide it into equal parts. Each quarter of the cake is denoted by the fraction 1/4. A fraction (from Latin:… … Wikipedia
Fractal cosmology — In physical cosmology, fractal cosmology relates to the usage or appearance of fractals in the study of the universe or cosmos. When cosmologists study the universe, they employ both observational and theoretical tools, and examine (or consider)… … Wikipedia
irrational — irrationally, adv. irrationalness, n. /i rash euh nl/, adj. 1. without the faculty of reason; deprived of reason. 2. without or deprived of normal mental clarity or sound judgment. 3. not in accordance with reason; utterly illogical: irrational… … Universalium