Смотреть что такое "fractile" в других словарях:
fractile — ● fractile nom masculin (de fraction) Fractile d ordre p, nombre xp tel que X étant une variable aléatoire, P(X<xp)≤p<P(X≤xp) avec 0<p<1. ● fractile (expressions) nom masculin (de fraction) Fractile d ordre p, nombre xp … Encyclopédie Universelle
fractile — 1. noun The value of a distribution for which some fraction of the sample lies below. The q quantile is the same as the (1/q) fractile. 2. adjective Describing the quality of a sedimentary stone as it relates to the sediments to cohesively bond… … Wiktionary
Fractile Games — was a group of Finnish programmers developing computer games in their spare time. The group was formed in summer 1996 as Fractile but the name was later changed to Fractile Games . The group eventually fell apart in 2003 leaving only Mikko… … Wikipedia
Fractile d'ordre p — ● Fractile d ordre p nombre xp tel que X étant une variable aléatoire, P(X<xp)≤p<P(X≤xp) avec 0<p<1 … Encyclopédie Universelle
fractile — n.m. Quantile … Le dictionnaire des mots absents des autres dictionnaires
fractile — … Useful english dictionary
MoleZ — Разработчик FRACTiLE Games Издатель FRACTiLE Games Дата выпуска … Википедия
квантиль — 3.32 квантиль (fractile): р квантиль (квантиль уровня р или процентиль) и соответствующее значение квантили хропределяется как: F(xp) = p, (3.1) где F функция распределения для хр. Источник … Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации
Newsvendor — The newsvendor (or newsboy) model is a mathematical model in operations management and applied economics used to determine optimal inventory levels. It is (typically) characterized by fixed prices and uncertain demand. If the inventory level is q … Wikipedia
Analytica — is a visual software package developed by [ Lumina Decision Systems, Inc.] for creating, analyzing and communicating quantitative decision models. Analytica includes hierarchical influence diagrams for visual creation and… … Wikipedia
Béton — Cet article possède des paronymes, voir : Beton et Betton. Un mètre cub … Wikipédia en Français