Смотреть что такое "fozy" в других словарях:
Fozy — Fo zy, a. Spongy; soft; fat and puffy. [Scot.] [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fozy — Fuzzy Fuzz y, a. [See {Fuzz}, n.] 1. Not firmly woven; that ravels. [Written also {fozy}.] [Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] 2. Furnished with fuzz; having fuzz; like fuzz; as, the fuzzy skin of a peach. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fozy — fozie … Dictionary of ichthyology
fozy — foziness, n. /foh zee, foz ee/, adj., fozier, foziest. Chiefly Scot. 1. spongy; loose textured. 2. (of a vegetable or fruit) overripe. 3. (of a person) fat; flabby. 4. Informal. dull witted; stupid; fatheaded. [1815 25; cf. D voos spongy, LG… … Universalium
fozy — North Country (Newcastle) Words light and spungy … English dialects glossary
fozy — adj. spongy, soft and porous; loose textured; excessively ripe, overripe (of fruits and vegetables); flabby (of a person); stupid (Slang); fuzzy, having fuzz … English contemporary dictionary
fozy — fo·zy … English syllables
fozy — zi adjective (usually er/ est) Etymology: Dutch voos spongy and light textured + English y; akin to Old Norse fauskr rotten log, Old English fūl foul more at foul 1. chiefly Scotland, of a vegetable : spongy and light textured … Useful english dictionary
Franz Nopcsa von Felső-Szilvás — Baron Nopcsa Baron Franz Nopcsa von Felső Szilvás (also Baron Nopcsa von Felsö Szilvás, Baron Nopcsa, Ferenc Nopcsa, Nopcsa Ferenc, Baron Franz Nopcsa, and Franz Baron Nopcsa) (May 3, 1877 – April 25, 1933) was a Hungarian born aristocrat,… … Wikipedia
Franz Nopcsa von Felső-Szilvás — Barón Nopcsa Barón Ferenc Nopcsa de Felső Szilvás (también Baron von Nopcsa Felsö Szilvás, Baron Nopcsa, Ferenc Nopcsa, Nopcsa Ferenc, Barón Franz Nopcsa, Y Franz Barón Nopcsa) ( * 3 de ma … Wikipedia Español
foziness — ˈfōzinə̇s noun ( es) chiefly Scotland : the quality or state of being fozy: a. : sponginess b. : obesity c … Useful english dictionary