- fourteener
- стихотворение в 14 строк стихотворная строка в 14 слогов (разговорное) ребенок четырнадцати лет;
четырнадцатилетний мальчик;
четырнадцатилетняя девочка
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Fourteener — In mountaineering terminology in the United States, a fourteener is a mountain that exceeds 14,000 feet (4,267.2 m) above mean sea level. The importance of fourteeners is greatest in Colorado, which has the majority of such peaks in North America … Wikipedia
Fourteener — Unter Bergsteigern in den USA werden als Fourteener alle Berge bezeichnet, deren Gipfel höher ist als 14.000 Fuß (4.267,2 Meter). Außerhalb der USA ist dieser Ausdruck kaum gebräuchlich. Im Rest der Welt, wo das metrische System verbreitet… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fourteener — Dans le jargon des alpinistes américains, le terme de fourteener s applique aux sommets de plus de 14 000 pieds (4 267 mètres) au dessus du niveau de la mer. Cette limite symbolique ne doit pas être confondue avec celle de l échelle… … Wikipédia en Français
fourteener — /fawr tee neuhr, fohr /, n. Pros. a line, esp. an iambic line, consisting of 14 syllables. [1820 30; FOURTEEN + ER1] * * * ▪ prosody a poetic line of 14 syllables; especially, such a line consisting of seven iambic feet. The form is also… … Universalium
Fourteener (poetry) — A Fourteener, in poetry, is a line consisting of 14 syllables, usually having 7 iambic feet, often used in 16th century English verse. Sometimes it also used to mean a poem of 14 lines, frequently a sonnet.The seventh song of Philip Sidney s… … Wikipedia
fourteener — noun Date: 1884 1. a verse consisting of 14 syllables or especially of 7 iambic feet 2. a mountain that is at least 14,000 feet high … New Collegiate Dictionary
fourteener — noun A mountain rising to more than 14,000 feet above mean sea level … Wiktionary
fourteener — four·teen·er … English syllables
fourteener — nə(r) noun ( s) 1. : a poetic line of 14 syllables; especially : such a line consisting of seven iambic feet 2. : a mountain peak 14,000 or more feet above sea level … Useful english dictionary
Fourteeners — Fourteener Dans le jargon des alpinistes américains, le terme de fourteener s applique aux sommets de plus de 14 000 pieds (4 267 mètres) au dessus du niveau de la mer. Cette limite symbolique ne doit pas être confondue avec celle de l… … Wikipédia en Français
List of Colorado fourteeners — Main article: Fourteener See also: 4000 meter peaks of Colorado In mountaineering in the United States, a fourteener (or 14er ) is a mountain peak that exceeds 14,000 feet (4267.2 meters) elevation. (This term is not usually significant … Wikipedia