Four star — Four or 4 Star(s) or star(s) can refer to:* 4 star rank, senior military rank * A grading of a hotel or restaurant, see star (classification) * A grading of a movie, TV, theatre or musical work or performance, see star (classification) * Four… … Wikipedia
four-star — four star1 adj [only before noun] a four star hotel, restaurant etc has been judged to be of a very high standard four star 2 four star2 n [U] BrE a type of petrol with ↑lead in it … Dictionary of contemporary English
four-star — four′ star′ adj. 1) mil designating a full general or admiral, as indicated by four stars on the insignia 2) cvb rated or considered as being of the highest quality: a four star restaurant[/ex] • Etymology: 1920–25 … From formal English to slang
four-star — four ,star adjective a four star hotel, restaurant, etc. is of a very high standard or quality … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
four-star — ☆ four star [fôr′stär′ ] adj. 1. designating a general or admiral whose insignia bears four stars 2. especially important or good, highly recommended, etc … English World dictionary
four-star — /fawr stahr , fohr /, adj. 1. of or being a full general or admiral, as indicated by four stars on an insignia. 2. rated or considered as being of the highest quality, esp. as indicated by four printed stars assigned in some rating systems: a… … Universalium
four-star — adjective Etymology: from the number of asterisks used to denote relative excellence in guidebooks Date: 1921 of a superior degree of excellence < a four star French restaurant > … New Collegiate Dictionary
four-star — adj. Four star is used with these nouns: ↑hotel, ↑restaurant … Collocations dictionary
four-star — 1 noun (U) BrE a type of petrol with lead 3 (1) in it 2 adjective of a high standard or quality: four star restaurants … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
four-star — UK / US adjective a four star hotel, restaurant etc is of a very high standard or quality … English dictionary
Four Star Television — Four Star Television, also called Four Star Films, Four Star Productions, and Four Star International, was an American television production company which operated from 1952 to 1989. It was formed by prominent Hollywood actors Dick Powell, David… … Wikipedia