foul play

foul play

1) нечестная игра;
умышленное нарушение правил
2) преступление, убийство, насилие to meet with foul play ≈ столкнуться с насилием Syn : violence (спортивное) нечестная игра;
умышленное нарушение правил преступление, особ. убийство - is * suspected? нет ли подозрения, что смерть не была естественной?

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать реферат

Смотреть что такое "foul play" в других словарях:

  • foul play — {n.} Treachery; a criminal act (such as murder). * /After they discovered the dead body, the police suspected foul play./ * / She must have met with foul play, the chief inspector said when they couldn t find the 12 year old girl who had… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • foul play — {n.} Treachery; a criminal act (such as murder). * /After they discovered the dead body, the police suspected foul play./ * / She must have met with foul play, the chief inspector said when they couldn t find the 12 year old girl who had… …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • foul play — n [U] 1.) if the police think someone s death was caused by foul play, they think that person was murdered ▪ The police said they had no reason to suspect foul play . ▪ Detectives have not ruled out foul play . 2.) an action that is dishonest,… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • Foul play — may refer to:*Foul play, a synonym for crime * Foul Play , a film *Foul (sports), an unfair or illegal sports act …   Wikipedia

  • foul play — noun uncount 1. ) LEGAL violence or criminal actions that cause someone s death: The police had no reason to suspect foul play. 2. ) behavior that is not fair or honest or does not keep to accepted rules …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • foul play — If the police suspect foul play, they think a crime was committed …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • foul play — ► NOUN 1) unfair play in a game or sport. 2) criminal or violent activity, especially murder …   English terms dictionary

  • foul play — n. 1. unfair play; action that breaks the rules of the game 2. treacherous action or violence; esp., murder …   English World dictionary

  • foul play — index collusion, frame up, grievance, inequity, knavery, machination, mischief, misdoing, pettifoggery …   Law dictionary

  • foul play — foul′ play′ n. violent mischief, esp. murder • Etymology: 1600–10 …   From formal English to slang

  • foul play — [n] treacherous action bad deed, corruption, crime, cruel act, dirty trick, dirty work, felony, fraud, funny business, lawbreaking, murder, violence, wrong; concept 645 …   New thesaurus

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