Смотреть что такое "fother" в других словарях:
Fother — Foth er, n. [OE. fother, foder, AS. f[=o]?er a cartload; akin to G. fuder a cartload, a unit of measure, OHG. fuodar, D. voeder, and perh. to E. fathom, or cf. Skr. p[=a]tr[=a] vessel, dish. Cf. {Fodder} a fother.] 1. A wagonload; a load of any… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fother — is an old unit for measuring the quantity of lead in England. It was defined in different ways at different places and times, being about equal to a ton or somewhat more. For further information see [… … Wikipedia
Fother — Foth er, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Fothered}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Fothering}.] [Cf. {Fodder} food, and G. f[ u]ttern, futtern, to cover within or without, to line. [root]75.] To stop (a leak in a ship at sea) by drawing under its bottom a thrummed sail,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fother — a traditional English unit of weight for lead. The fother, equal to 30 fotmals (next entry), was always a little smaller than a (long) ton. The original version seems to have been equivalent to 2160 avoirdupois pounds, and the version still … Dictionary of units of measurement
Fother Muckers — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Fother Muckers Información personal Origen Santiago, Chile … Wikipedia Español
fother — noun an old English measure of lead or other metals, usually containing 19.5 hundredweight; a fodder … Wiktionary
fother — North Country (Newcastle) Words in Newcastle, as many coals as a two horse cart can carry foumart a polecat … English dialects glossary
fother — sb. == a weight of 19 cwt. of lead, thence ‘a large quantity.’ Alys. 1809; ‘a lump.’ Alys. 6467. AS. foðer … Oldest English Words
Fother — (also called fodder, foder, fodur, cart load, load, wain, waine, wey, etc.): Weight. A cart load. About 19½ hundredweight, dependent upon material. Also, six sacks where each sack is five fotmal. Volume. 40 bushels or 320 gallons. Also, lots of,… … Medieval glossary
fother — foth·er … English syllables
fother — /ˈfɒðə/ (say fodhuh) verb (i) 1. to stop a leak in a wooden hull by covering it with a sail or tarpaulin containing a thrumming of rope yarns and oakum. –verb (t) 2. to cover (a sail, etc.) with such a thrumming. {? Dutch voederen to line, or Low …