forward equation
Смотреть что такое "forward equation" в других словарях:
Équation de Chapman-Kolmogorov — En théorie des probabilités, et plus spécifiquement dans la théorie des processus stochastiques markoviens, l équation de Chapman Kolmogorov est une égalité qui met en relation les lois jointes de différents points de la trajectoire d un… … Wikipédia en Français
Forward osmosis — is an osmotic process that, like reverse osmosis, uses a semi permeable membrane to effect separation of water from dissolved solutes. The driving force for this separation is an osmotic pressure gradient, such that a draw solution of high… … Wikipedia
Forward Ray Tracing — Raytracing (dt. Strahlverfolgung[1] oder Strahlenverfolgung[2], in englischer Schreibweise meist ray tracing, seltener ray shooting) ist ein auf der Aussendung von Strahlen basierender Algorithmus zur Verdeckungsberechnung, also zur Ermittlung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Forward Raytracing — Raytracing (dt. Strahlverfolgung[1] oder Strahlenverfolgung[2], in englischer Schreibweise meist ray tracing, seltener ray shooting) ist ein auf der Aussendung von Strahlen basierender Algorithmus zur Verdeckungsberechnung, also zur Ermittlung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Kolmogorov backward equation — The Kolmogorov backward equation (KBE) and its adjoint the Kolmogorov forward equation (KFE) are partial differential equations (PDE) that arise in the theory of continuous time continuous state Markov processes. Both were published by Andrey… … Wikipedia
Fokker–Planck equation — [ thumb|A solution to the one dimensional Fokker–Planck equation, with both the drift and the diffusion term. The initial condition is a Dirac delta function in x = 1, and the distribution drifts towards x = 0.] The Fokker–Planck equation… … Wikipedia
Chapman–Kolmogorov equation — In mathematics, specifically in probability theory and in particular the theory of Markovian stochastic processes, the Chapman–Kolmogorov equation is an identity relating the joint probability distributions of different sets of coordinates on a… … Wikipedia
Chapman-Kolmogorov equation — In mathematics, specifically in probability theory, and yet more specifically in the theory of Markovian stochastic processes, the Chapman Kolmogorov equation can be viewed as an identity relating the joint probability distributions of different… … Wikipedia
Partial differential equation — A visualisation of a solution to the heat equation on a two dimensional plane In mathematics, partial differential equations (PDE) are a type of differential equation, i.e., a relation involving an unknown function (or functions) of several… … Wikipedia
Dirac equation — Quantum field theory (Feynman diagram) … Wikipedia
Price equation — The Price equation (also known as Price s equation) is a covariance equation which is a mathematical description of evolution and natural selection. The Price equation was derived by George R. Price, working in London to rederive W.D. Hamilton s… … Wikipedia