
ˈfɔ:tʃnɪt прил. счастливый, удачный;
благоприятный (in) ;
удачливый if one is fortunate ≈ в случае удачи;
в лучшем случае We are fortunate in having such a nice house. ≈ Нам повезло, что у нас такой хороший дом. Syn : favourable счастливый;
удачливый - * event счастливое событие - the * possessor of this master-piece счастливый обладатель этого шедевра - how * that I have found you today как хорошо, что я разыскал вас сегодня - she's * enough to have very good health на ее счастье у нее хорошое здоровье - he is * in having a good wife ему повезло с женой - it was * for her that she met the doctor just when she needed him получилось очень удачно, что она встретила врача как раз, когда он понадобился - he is * in life ему везет (в жизни) счастливый, благоприятный - * omen хорошее предзнаменование - * day (for doing smth.) хороший /благоприятный/ день (для какого-л. дела) - born under a * star рожденный под счастливой звездой fortunate счастливый, удачный;
if one is fortunate в случае удачи;
в лучшем случае fortunate счастливый, удачный;
if one is fortunate в случае удачи;
в лучшем случае

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fortunate" в других словарях:

  • Fortunate — For tu*nate (?; 135), a. [L. fortunatus, p. p. of fortunare to make fortunate or prosperous, fr. fortuna. See {Fortune}, n.] 1. Coming by good luck or favorable chance; bringing some good thing not foreseen as certain; presaging happiness;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fortunate — late 14c., from L. fortunatus prospered, prosperous; lucky, happy, pp. of fortunare to make prosperous, from fortuna (see FORTUNE (Cf. fortune)). Fortunate Islands mythical abode of the blessed dead, in the Western Ocean, early 15c., translates L …   Etymology dictionary

  • fortunate — [fôr′chə nət] adj. [ME fortunat < L fortunatus, pp. of fortunare, to make fortunate < fortuna, FORTUNE] 1. having good luck; lucky 2. bringing, or coming by, good luck; favorable; auspicious fortunately adv. fortunateness n …   English World dictionary

  • fortunate — index auspicious, favorable (advantageous), felicitous, propitious, prosperous, successful Burton s Legal Thesaurus …   Law dictionary

  • fortunate — *lucky, providential, happy Analogous words: auspicious, propitious, *favorable, benign: advantageous, *beneficial, profitable: felicitous, happy (see FIT adj) Antonyms: unfortunate: disastrous Contrasted words: *sinister, baleful, malign …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • fortunate — [adj] having good luck advantageous, affluent, auspicious, blessed, born with a silver spoon*, bright, charmed, convenient, encouraging, favorable, favored, felicitous, flourishing, fortuitous, gaining, get a break*, golden, happy, healthy,… …   New thesaurus

  • fortunate — ► ADJECTIVE 1) favoured by or involving good luck. 2) auspicious or favourable …   English terms dictionary

  • fortunate — for|tu|nate S3 [ˈfo:tʃənət US ˈfo:r ] adj 1.) someone who is fortunate has something good happen to them, or is in a good situation = ↑lucky fortunate to do sth ▪ I ve been fortunate to find a career that I love. ▪ I was fortunate enough to… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • fortunate — adj. 1) fortunate in (we are fortunate in having such a nice house) 2) fortunate to + inf. (she is fortunate to have influential friends) 3) fortunate that + clause (it is fortunate that we can all meet tomorrow) * * * [ fɔːtʃ(ə)nət] fortunate… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • fortunate — adjective 1 someone who is fortunate has something good happen to them, or is in a good situation; lucky: Think of others less fortunate than yourselves. | fortunate to do sth: He was fortunate enough to escape unharmed. | fortunate that: You re… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • fortunate — for|tu|nate [ fɔrtʃənət ] adjective ** lucky, especially because you have more advantages than other people: Not everyone is as fortunate as we are. The state provides textbooks for the less fortunate students. fortunate (enough) to do something …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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