form handling

form handling
установка и перестановка опалубки

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "form handling" в других словарях:

  • Handling — In English criminal law, handling takes place after the theft is completed and is committed by a fence or other person who helps the thief to realise the value of the stolen goods.The offenceUnder s22 Theft Act 1968::A person handles stolen goods …   Wikipedia

  • Handling — handeln: Mhd. handeln »mit den Händen fassen, berühren; ‹be›arbeiten; verrichten, vollbringen, tun; mit etwas verfahren; behandeln; bewirten«, ahd. hantalōn »befassen, berühren; bearbeiten«, engl. to handle »handhaben; behandeln; verwalten«,… …   Das Herkunftswörterbuch

  • Anti-handling device — An Anti handling device is an attachment to or integral part of a landmine, designed to prevent tampering. However, anti handling devices may also be encountered as an integral part of the fuzing mechanisms used in other types of munition e.g.… …   Wikipedia

  • Material handling equipment — Industrial mezzanine. Selective pallet rack is an example of storage and handli …   Wikipedia

  • Snake handling — is a religious ritual in a small number of pentecostal churches in the U.S., usually characterized as rural and Holiness. Practitioners believe it dates to antiquity and quote the Book of Mark and the Book of Luke to support the practice:And… …   Wikipedia

  • materials handling — the loading, unloading, and movement of goods, as within a factory or warehouse, esp. by the aid of mechanical devices. [1920 25] * * *       the movement of raw goods from their native site to the point of use in manufacturing, their subsequent… …   Universalium

  • Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association — The Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association (MHEDA) is a trade association of material handling distributors. Mission statement To further improve the proficiency of independent material handling distributors in order that they… …   Wikipedia

  • Bulk material handling — is an engineering field that is centred around the design of equipment used for the transportation of materials such as ores and cereals in loose bulk form. It can also relate to the handling of mixed wastes. Bulk material handling systems are… …   Wikipedia

  • Constraint Handling Rules — (CHR) is a declarative programming language extension introduced in 1991[1][2] by Thom Frühwirth. Originally designed for developing (prototypes of) constraint programming systems, CHR is increasingly used as a high level general purpose… …   Wikipedia

  • Computer form factor — For computers form factors both larger and smaller than desktop personal computers, see list of computer size categories. In computing, a form factor specifies the physical dimensions of major system components. Specifically, in the IBM PC… …   Wikipedia

  • Agent handling — Agent handler is a generic term common to many intelligence organizations which can be applied to Case Officers, those who aspire to be Case officers, controllers , contacts, couriers and other assorted trainees.IntelligenceThe objectives of… …   Wikipedia

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