- forked stick
- ручка рычажного реечного домкрата
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
stick — I. /stɪk / (say stik) noun 1. a branch or shoot of a tree or shrub cut or broken off. 2. a relatively long and slender piece of wood. 3. an elongated piece of wood for burning, for carpentry, or for any special purpose. 4. a rod or wand; a baton …
di|vin|ing stick — di|vin|ing rod, di|vin|ing stick, or di|vin|ing wand «duh VY nihng», a forked stick believed by some to be useful in locating water, oil, metal, and other things underground by dipping downward when held over a deposit of the substance sought … Useful english dictionary
gob stick — a short to long forked stick used to remove the swallowed hook from the intestine of a fish caught by longlining (Canada) … Dictionary of ichthyology
dangle stick — noun : a forked green stick used as a pothook in cooking over a campfire called also dingle stick … Useful english dictionary
thumb stick — noun 1》 a tall walking stick with a forked thumb rest at the top. 2》 a control lever for audio and televisual equipment … English new terms dictionary
clothes stick — noun : a staff or bat with forked tip for turning and handling clothes being boiled or rinsed … Useful english dictionary
kahsikweua' — forked stick … Mingo semantic fields
fork´ed|ness — forked «frkt; Archaic and Poetic FR kihd», adjective. 1. having a fork or forks; divided into branches; branching: »a forked stick. 2. zigzag: »forked lightning. –fork´ed|ly, adverb. –fork´ed|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary
fork´ed|ly — forked «frkt; Archaic and Poetic FR kihd», adjective. 1. having a fork or forks; divided into branches; branching: »a forked stick. 2. zigzag: »forked lightning. –fork´ed|ly, adverb. –fork´ed|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary
percussion instrument — a musical instrument, as the drum, cymbal, triangle, xylophone, or piano, that is struck to produce a sound, as distinguished from string or wind instruments. [1870 75] * * * A musical instrument that is struck (or sometimes shaken or scraped) to … Universalium
Rum Swizzle — Bermuda Rum Swizzle A Rum Swizzle, as served in Bermuda Type Cocktail Served On the rocks; poured over ice … Wikipedia