
fəˈɡɪv гл.;
прош. вр. - forgave, прич. прош. вр. - forgiven
1) прощать (for - за что-л.) It is difficult to forgive anyone for cruelty. ≈ Трудно простить жестокость. Can you ever forgive me for forgetting your birthday? ≈ Простите, что я забыл о вашем дне рождения./Сможете ли Вы простить мне то, что я забыл о Вашем дне рождения? Forgive me, I didn't mean to insult you. ≈ Простите, я не хотел вас обидеть. Forgive us our sins. ≈ Прости нам грехи наши. Syn : pardon
2) не требовать, не взыскивать, забыть (долг) forgive a debt ≈ простить долг Syn : remit прощать - to * smb. smth. прощать кому-л. что-л. - to * smb. for smth. прощать кого-л. за что-л. - to * an offence прощать обиду - he is not a man who easily *s он не из тех, кто легко прощает (обиды) прощать, не взыскивать;
отказываться - to * a debt прощать долг, отказываться от получения долга (религия) оставлять (грехи и т. п.) - * our tresspasses остави нам долги наша forgive не взыскивать ~ не требовать, не взыскивать (долг) ~ отказываться ~ (forgave;
forgiven) прощать ~ прощать

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "forgive" в других словарях:

  • Forgive Me — may refer to:* Forgive Me , a 2008 single by Leona Lewis from the album Spirit * Forgive Me , a 2008 song by City and Colour from the album Bring Me Your Love * Forgive Me , a 2007 song by Group 1 Crew from the album Group 1 Crew * Forgive Me , a …   Wikipedia

  • Forgive — For*give , v. t. [imp. {Forgave}; p. p. {Forgiven}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Forgiving}] [OE. forgiven, foryiven, foryeven, AS. forgiefan, forgifan; perh. for + giefan, gifan to give; cf. D. vergeven, G. vergeben, Icel. fyrirgefa, Sw. f?rgifva, Goth.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Forgive Me — Single par Leona Lewis extrait de l’album Spirit Sortie 26 juillet 2008 Enregistrement 2008 Durée 3:41 (version de l album) 3:23 (mix du single) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • forgive me — used in speech as a polite way of starting to say something that may seem rude or unpleasant Forgive me (for saying so), but I don t think you understood my point. Forgive me, but something has come up and I have to leave right away. • • • Main… …   Useful english dictionary

  • forgive — for‧give [fəˈgɪv ǁ fər ] verb forgave PASTTENSE [ ˈgeɪv] forgiven PASTPART [ ˈgɪvn] [transitive] FINANCE to state that a debt does not have to be paid: • Under the plan, the US forgave $2.6 billion, or about 70%, of Poland s debt to the US… …   Financial and business terms

  • forgive — (v.) O.E. forgiefan give, grant, allow; forgive, also to give up and to give in marriage; from for completely + giefan give (see GIVE (Cf. give)). The modern sense of to give up desire or power to punish is from use of the compound as a Germanic… …   Etymology dictionary

  • forgive — [fər giv′, fôrgiv′] vt. forgave, forgiven, forgiving [ME forgeven < OE forgiefan, forgifan (akin to Ger vergeben): see FOR & GIVE] 1. to give up resentment against or the desire to punish; stop being angry with; pardon 2. to give up all claim… …   English World dictionary

  • forgive — I verb absolve, acquit, bear no malice, cancel, clear, condonare, condone, exculpate, excuse, exempt, exonerate, forget, give absolution, grant amnesty, grant pardon, ignoscere, overlook, palliate, pardon, reprieve, shrive, vindicate associated… …   Law dictionary

  • forgive — pardon, remit, *excuse, condone Analogous words: absolve, *exculpate, acquit, exonerate, vindicate …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • forgive — has a derivative form forgivable, without an e in the middle …   Modern English usage

  • forgive — [v] stop blame and grant pardon absolve, accept apology, acquit, allow for, amnesty, bear no malice*, bear with, bury the hatchet*, clear, commute, condone, dismiss from mind, efface, exculpate, excuse, exempt, exonerate, extenuate, forget, kiss… …   New thesaurus

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