Смотреть что такое "foreshortening" в других словарях:
Foreshortening — Fore*short en*ing, n. (Fine Arts) Representation in a foreshortened mode or way. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
foreshortening — ▪ art method of rendering a specific object or figure in a picture in depth. The artist records, in varying degrees, the distortion that is seen by the eye when an object or figure is viewed at a distance or at an unusual angle. In a… … Universalium
foreshortening — noun A technique for creating the appearance that the object of a drawing is extending into space by shortening the lines with which that object is drawn … Wiktionary
Foreshortening — A technique that allows artists to render on a flat surface compositional elements in such a way as to grant the illusion that they are receding into space. It entails reducing the dimensions of an object or parts of the figure to conform to… … Dictionary of Renaissance art
foreshortening — n. method of drawing which gives the illusion of depth; shortening, minimizationv. draw in perspective to give the appearance of depth; shorten, minimize … English contemporary dictionary
foreshortening — noun ( s) : the act of one that foreshortens or the state of being foreshortened; often : representation in art or literature in a foreshortened mode … Useful english dictionary
Perspective (graphical) — Part of a series on … Wikipedia
Synthetic Aperture Radar — Radaraufnahme (SIR C/X SAR) des Vulkans Teide auf Teneriffa aus dem Space Shuttle Endeavour Ein Synthetic Aperture Radar (Abkürzung: SAR; deutsch etwa: „Radar mit synthetischer Apertur“) gehört zur Klasse der abbildenden Radare und wird als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Euthymides — flourished с 515–500 BC, Athens, Greece Greek vase painter. He was a contemporary of Euphronius. His signature has been found on eight extant vases, six that he signed as a painter and two as a potter. A proponent of red figure pottery, he was… … Universalium
Axonometric projection — For axonometric projection in video games, see Video games with isometric graphics … Wikipedia
Graphical projection — is a protocol by which an image of an imaginary three dimensional object is projected onto a planar surface without the aid of mathematical calculation. The projection is achieved by the use of imaginary projectors . The projected, mental image… … Wikipedia