Смотреть что такое "foremen" в других словарях:
Foremen — Foreman Fore man, n.; pl. {Foremen}. The first or chief man; as: (a) The chief man of a jury, who acts as their speaker. (b) The chief of a set of hands employed in a shop, or on works of any kind, who superintends the rest; an overseer. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
foremen — fore·man || fÉ”rmÉ™n /fÉ”Ë n. man who is in charge (of a project, group of people, etc.); man who is the leader of a jury … English contemporary dictionary
Amalgamated Society of Foremen Lightermen of River Thames — The Amalgamated Society of Foremen Lightermen of River Thames was a trade union in the United Kingdom. It merged with the Transport and General Workers Union in also* List of trade unions * Transport and General Workers Union * TGWU… … Wikipedia
Foreman of Signals — Foremen of Signals are the most highly qualified non commissioned signal equipment managers and Incorporated Engineers in the Royal Corps of Signals.A soldier selected for Foreman of Signals training must hold a minimum qualification of Class 1… … Wikipedia
List of One Piece episodes (season 9) — The cover of the first DVD compilation released by Toei Animation of the ninth season The ninth season of the One Piece anime series was directed by Kōnosuke Uda and produced by Toei Animation. Like the rest of the series, it follows the… … Wikipedia
Ekur — Ruins of the mountain house at Nippur Fertile Crescent myth series … Wikipedia
Bahnbetriebswerk (steam locomotives) — A Bahnbetriebswerk (also abbreviated to Betriebswerk, Bw or BW) is the German term for a depot where the maintenance of railway locomotives and other rolling stock is carried out. It is roughly equivalent to a locomotive shed, running shed or… … Wikipedia
Association of Supervisory Staff, Executives and Technicians — The Association of Supervisory Staff, Executives and Technicians (ASSET), was a British trade union, chiefly representing supervisors in the metal working and transport industries. It was formed from the National Foremen s Association, founded in … Wikipedia
My Bloody Valentine (film) — This article is about the 1981 film. For the 2009 remake, see My Bloody Valentine 3D. My Bloody Valentine Theatrical poster Directed by George … Wikipedia
Kenneth Hopper — ( formally known as Robert D. Kenneth Hopper), a Scots engineer and now a US citizen, has made a lifelong study of different national manufacturing cultures. His studies of the origins of America’s factory management culture and its influence on… … Wikipedia
Verwaltung — (management; administration; amministrazione). Inhaltsübersicht. A. Allgemeiner Teil. I. Begriffe. – II. Geschichtliche Entwicklung, a) Die englische Verwaltung; b) Die deutsche Verwaltungsform; c) Die gemischte deutsche und englische… … Enzyklopädie des Eisenbahnwesens