foreign particles
Смотреть что такое "foreign particles" в других словарях:
Foreign body — For other uses of this term, see foreign body (disambiguation). Effects of foreign body entering through natural orifice Classification and external resources Endoscopy image of gastric foreign body (toothbrush) … Wikipedia
Foreign object damage — FOD to the compressor blades of a Honeywell LTS101 turboshaft engine on a Bell 222, caused by a small bolt that passed through the protective inlet screen … Wikipedia
blood — bloodlike, adj. /blud/, n. 1. the fluid that circulates in the principal vascular system of human beings and other vertebrates, in humans consisting of plasma in which the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are suspended. 2. the… … Universalium
immune system — Anat. a diffuse, complex network of interacting cells, cell products, and cell forming tissues that protects the body from pathogens and other foreign substances, destroys infected and malignant cells, and removes cellular debris: the system… … Universalium
respiratory disease — ▪ human disease Introduction any of the diseases and disorders that affect human respiration (respiration, human). Diseases of the respiratory system may affect any of the structures and organs that have to do with breathing, including the… … Universalium
digestive system, human — Introduction the system used in the human body for the process of digestion. The human digestive system consists primarily of the digestive tract (alimentary canal), or the series of structures and organs through which food and liquids pass… … Universalium
ice in lakes and rivers — Introduction a sheet or stretch of ice forming on the surface of lakes and rivers when the temperature drops below freezing (0° C [32° F]). The nature of the ice formations may be as simple as a floating layer that gradually thickens, or it … Universalium
phagocytosis — /fag euh suy toh sis/, n. Physiol. the ingestion of a smaller cell or cell fragment, a microorganism, or foreign particles by means of the local infolding of a cell s membrane and the protrusion of its cytoplasm around the fold until the material … Universalium
trachea — /tray kee euh/ or, esp. Brit., /treuh kee euh/, n., pl. tracheae /tray kee ee / or, esp. Brit., /treuh kee ee/, tracheas. 1. Anat., Zool. the tube in humans and other air breathing vertebrates extending from the larynx to the bronchi, serving as… … Universalium
NanoMission — Promotional image from NanoMission Developer(s) PlayGen Platform(s) … Wikipedia
Phagocytosis — Expand|article|date=July 2007 (the latter not pictured)Parts: 1. Pathogens 2. Phagosome 3. Lysosomes 4. Waste material 5. Cytoplasm 6. Cell membrane] Phagocytosis is the cellular process of engulfing solid particles by the cell membrane to form… … Wikipedia