foreign object

foreign object
предмет посторонний

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "foreign object" в других словарях:

  • Foreign object — A foreign object can be:*An object introduced into a wrestling match, often to give the bearer an unfair advantage: see Foreign object (professional wrestling). *An object that intrudes where it should not be, as into a living body or machinery:… …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign object (professional wrestling) — Foreign object is a professional wrestling term for an object introduced into the match. Foreign objects are often used to give the bearer an unfair advantage. According to the supposed rules of professional wrestling, if a foreign object is used …   Wikipedia

  • Foreign Object Damage — (FOD) (engl.: Beschädigung durch Fremdkörper) wird die Beschädigung eines Flugzeugs durch Fremdobjekte (ausgenommen andere Flugzeuge) genannt. Dies umfasst von der Start /Landebahn stammende Fremdkörper (insbesondere das Einsaugen von Teilen in… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Foreign object damage — FOD to the compressor blades of a Honeywell LTS101 turboshaft engine on a Bell 222, caused by a small bolt that passed through the protective inlet screen …   Wikipedia

  • foreign-object damage — Damage caused to an engine by a foreign object (i.e., objects not belonging to the engine). The damage is caused by items like rags, pieces of paper, line, articles of clothing, nuts, bolts, stones, or tools misplaced or caught by air currents… …   Aviation dictionary

  • foreign object — alien body …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Ear, foreign object in — A foreign object in the external ear canal. Foreign objects are often placed in the ear by young children or by accident while trying to clean or scratch the ear. There is often an accompanying external ear infection. Removal of an object from… …   Medical dictionary

  • foreign object damage — Rags, pieces of paper, line, articles of clothing, nuts, bolts, or tools that, when misplaced or caught by air currents normally found around aircraft operations (jet blast, rotor or prop wash, engine intake), cause damage to aircraft systems or… …   Military dictionary

  • Foreign body (disambiguation) — Foreign body or foreign object may refer to:*Foreign body, in physiology, any object originating outside an human or animal body *Foreign object (professional wrestling), any outside object introduced into a match meant to give the user an unfair …   Wikipedia

  • foreign — [[t]fɒ̱rɪn, AM fɔ͟ːr [/t]] ♦ 1) ADJ Something or someone that is foreign comes from or relates to a country that is not your own. Frankfurt, where a quarter of the population is foreign... She was on her first foreign holiday without her… …   English dictionary

  • foreign — 01. It s good to know more than one language if you plan on doing business with [foreign] countries. 02. It is often difficult for [foreigners] to feel welcome in my country because there is still a lot of prejudice in our culture. 03. The U.S.… …   Grammatical examples in English

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