foreign economic
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Foreign Economic Administration — The Foreign Economic Administration (FEA) was an agency designed and run by Leo Crowley. S. L. Weiss [Stuart L. Weiss (1996) The President’s Man: Leo Crowley and Franklin Roosevelt in Peace and War , Southern Illinois University Press.] knew… … Wikipedia
Council on Foreign Economic Policy — The U.S. Council on Foreign Economic Policy (CFEP) was a high level organization created by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in December 1954 to coordinate the development of the foreign economic policy of the United States. On July 12, 1954 the… … Wikipedia
Commission on Foreign Economic Policy — The U.S. President s Commission on Foreign Economic Policy (the Randall Commission) was established on August 7, 1953 by Public Law 215 entitled Trade Agreements Extension of 1953 [1] which extended the Trade Agreements Act of 1951 for one year.… … Wikipedia
Foreign trade of the Soviet Union — Soviet foreign trade played only a minor role in the Soviet economy. In 1985, for example, exports and imports each accounted for only 4 percent of the Soviet gross national product. The Soviet Union maintained this low level because it could… … Wikipedia
Foreign relations of Mexico — Mexico This article is part of the series: Politics and government of Mexico … Wikipedia
Foreign relations of South Korea — The foreign relations of South Korea are dominated by its relationships with North Korea, Japan, China and United States.The Constitution of the Sixth Republic vests the conduct of foreign affairs in the presidency and the State Council, subject… … Wikipedia
Economic history of the People's Republic of China — Throughout most of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, as during much of earlier Chinese history, the economy was barely able to meet the basic needs of the country s huge population the largest in the world. In normal years the economy… … Wikipedia
Foreign relations of Ecuador — Ecuador always has placed great emphasis on multilateral approaches to international problems. Ecuador is a member of the United Nations (and most of its specialized agencies) and the Organization of American States and also is a member of many… … Wikipedia
Economic history of Cambodia — Pre colonial economyColonial economySoon after establishing their protectorate in 1863, the French realized that Cambodia s hidden wealth was an illusion and that Phnom Penh would never become the Singapore of Indochina. Aside from collecting… … Wikipedia
Foreign Agricultural Service — The Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) is the foreign affairs agency with primary responsibility for the United States Department of Agriculture s (USDA) overseas programs market development, international trade agreements and negotiations, and… … Wikipedia
Economic relations of Japan — In its economic relations, Japan is both a major trading nation and one of the largest international investors in the world. In many respects, international trade is the lifeblood of Japan s economy. Imports and exports totaling the equivalent of … Wikipedia