- foregone conclusion
- предыдущий вывод заранее принятое решение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
foregone conclusion — foregone con clusion n be a foregone conclusion if something is a foregone conclusion, its result is certain, even though it has not happened yet ▪ The election result was a foregone conclusion … Dictionary of contemporary English
foregone conclusion — n. An inevitable outcome; a certain result; a certainty. [PJC] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
foregone conclusion — If the result of, say, a football match is a foregone conclusion, then the result is obvious before the game has even begun … The small dictionary of idiomes
foregone conclusion — I noun forejudgment, foreordination, inevitable result, one sidedness, partiality, preconceived idea, preconclusion, predecision, predesigned conclusion, predetermination, predetermined conclusion, predilection, predisposition, prejudged… … Law dictionary
foregone conclusion — noun be a foregone conclusion if something is a foregone conclusion, the result of it is certain, even though it has not yet happened or been decided: The election result was a foregone conclusion … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Foregone conclusion — Forego Fore*go , v. t. [AS. foreg[=a]n; fore + g[=a]n to go; akin to G. vorgehen to go before, precede. See {Go}, v. i.] To go before; to precede; used especially in the present and past participles. [1913 Webster] Pleasing remembrance of a… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
foregone conclusion — noun 1. an inevitable ending • Syn: ↑matter of course • Hypernyms: ↑ending, ↑conclusion, ↑finish 2. something that is certain his victory is a certainty • Syn … Useful english dictionary
foregone conclusion — noun Date: 1604 1. a conclusion that has preceded argument or examination 2. an inevitable result ; certainty < the victory was a foregone conclusion > … New Collegiate Dictionary
foregone conclusion — /fɔˌgɒn kənˈkluʒən/ (say faw.gon kuhn kloohzhuhn) noun an inevitable conclusion or result: *In any contest between selfishness and unselfishness, the result is a foregone conclusion. –ada cambridge, 1904 …
foregone conclusion — fore|gone con|clusion [ ,fɔrgɔn kən kluʒn ] noun singular a result that you can be certain about before it happens: Once again, a defeat for the Conservatives looked like a foregone conclusion … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
foregone conclusion — If the result of, say, a football match is a foregone conclusion, then the result is obvious before the game has even begun. (Dorking School Dictionary) … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions