Смотреть что такое "fore-check" в других словарях:
fore´check´er — fore|check «FR CHEHK, FOHR », intransitive verb. to check an opposing ice hockey player in his own defensive zone. –fore´check´er, noun … Useful english dictionary
fore|check — «FR CHEHK, FOHR », intransitive verb. to check an opposing ice hockey player in his own defensive zone. –fore´check´er, noun … Useful english dictionary
fore-check — fore′ check′ v. i. spo to obstruct or impede the movement or progress of an attacking opponent in the opponent s own defensive zone in ice hockey Compare back check check 13) • Etymology: 1950–55 … From formal English to slang
fore-check — /fawr chek , fohr /, v.i. Ice Hockey. to obstruct or impede the movement or progress of an attacking opponent in the opponent s own defensive zone. Cf. back check, check1 (def. 15). [1950 55] * * * … Universalium
fore-check — /fawr chek , fohr /, v.i. Ice Hockey. to obstruct or impede the movement or progress of an attacking opponent in the opponent s own defensive zone. Cf. back check, check1 (def. 15). [1950 55] … Useful english dictionary
check — check1 checkless, adj. /chek/, v., n., pl. checks or, for 45, chex, adj., interj. v.t. 1. to stop or arrest the motion of suddenly or forcibly: He checked the horse at the edge of the cliff. 2. to restrain; hold in restraint or control: They… … Universalium
fore-checker — See fore check. * * * … Universalium
Check Wikipedia — Wikiproyecto:Check Wikipedia Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Esta página contiene de forma consciente fallos ortográficos. Los bots no deben intentar corregirlos. Atajo PR:CWPR:CW … Wikipedia Español
back-check — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ verb Etymology: back (II) transitive verb : to check over (as a computation) intransitive verb : to skate back towards one s own goal covering the rushes of opposing players in a hockey game * * * /bak chek / … Useful english dictionary
back-check — /bak chek /, v.i. Ice Hockey. 1. to skate back toward one s defensive zone obstructing or impeding the movement or progress of one or more opponents on attack. Cf. check1 (def. 15), fore check. v.t. 2. to check over or through; review: Back check … Universalium
back-check — back′ check v. i. spo to skate back toward one s defensive zone in ice hockey, obstructing or impeding the progress of opponents on attack Compare fore check • Etymology: 1935–40 … From formal English to slang