fore-and-aft a
Смотреть что такое "fore-and-aft a" в других словарях:
Fore and aft — Fore Fore, adv. [AS. fore, adv. & prep., another form of for. See {For}, and cf. {Former}, {Foremost}.] 1. In the part that precedes or goes first; opposed to aft, after, back, behind, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. Formerly; previously; afore. [Obs. or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fore and aft — Naut. n. 1. from the bow to the stern; lengthwise [sails rigged fore and aft] 2. at, in, or toward both the bow and the stern [lifeboats located fore and aft] * * * … Universalium
fore and aft — Naut. n. 1. from the bow to the stern; lengthwise [sails rigged fore and aft] 2. at, in, or toward both the bow and the stern [lifeboats located fore and aft] … English World dictionary
fore-and-aft — fore and aft; fore and aft·er; … English syllables
fore-and-aft — [fôr′ən aft′] adj. Naut. from the bow to the stern; lengthwise or set lengthwise, as sails … English World dictionary
fore-and-aft — fore′ and aft′ Naut. 1) naut. navig. located along or parallel to a line from the stem to the stern 2) naut. navig. fore • Etymology: 1610–20 … From formal English to slang
fore and aft — ► ADVERB 1) at the front and rear. 2) backwards and forwards. ► ADJECTIVE 1) backwards and forwards. 2) (of a sail or rigging) set lengthwise, not on the yards … English terms dictionary
fore-and-aft — adjective parallel with the keel of a boat or ship • Similar to: ↑lengthwise, ↑lengthways • Topics: ↑seafaring, ↑navigation, ↑sailing * * * | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ adjective Etymolog … Useful english dictionary
fore-and-aft — /fɔr ən ˈaft/ (say fawr uhn ahft) adjective 1. parallel to the longitudinal axis of a ship. 2. denoting a rig in which the principal sails are set on gaffs, stags, or masts, on the centre line of the vessel. –adverb Also, all fore and aft. 3.… …
Fore-and-aft rigged — Fore Fore, adv. [AS. fore, adv. & prep., another form of for. See {For}, and cf. {Former}, {Foremost}.] 1. In the part that precedes or goes first; opposed to aft, after, back, behind, etc. [1913 Webster] 2. Formerly; previously; afore. [Obs. or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fore-and-aft-rigged — «FR uhn AFT RIHGD, AHFT ; FOHR », adjective. having fore and aft sails. A fore and aft rigged ship has the sails set lengthwise … Useful english dictionary